Necromancer Class

I think they would have been a better pick than Death Knight. I heavily support adding them!


What race Necromancer would you make? I would roll undead for sure! I want beards for undead so I can feel like Kel’thuzad from Warcraft 3.


Uh, you can do that currently with Death Knights.

Death knight are meele Death summoner Necromancer are more of caster type

Here let me show you what we could have in wow if they give us the class:


I know I post this video before but give it watch and see why necromancer would be our Death knight caster calss

Why not just give DKs a hero tree that allows UH and Frost to fight from range?

It’s the same thing as what’s in that video.

 what part of Meele you not get

Death knight, Meele, they are warrior of Death

Necromancer are range
RANGE casters, ДураĐș


Yeah, but Death Knights are only 2-3 talents away from being able to fight in ranged. All you need to do is give the 1-2 strikes in both specs 30y range and you’re good to go. That can be accomplished with a hero talent.

Yeah but mostly all spell are meele and have be up clsoe

It like Giving gun to warrior and have the 2-3 tanlet use “Gun”

And rest just go in meele

it why blizzard took away wariror there range wepon and got rid of throw wepons.


Uh no they aren’t. Death and Decay is ranged. Defile is ranged. Death Coil is ranged. Howling Blast is ranged. Frostwyrm’s Fury is ranged. Death Pact is ranged. Raise Dead is ranged. Clawed Shadows (replaces scourge strike) is ranged. Epidemic is ranged. etc. etc.

Again all you need to do is convert their strikes to ranged. That means in UH you make Death Strike, Festering Strike, Apocalypse and Unholy Assault ranged. In Frost you make Frost Strike, Death Strike, and Obliterate ranged.

That’s it.

What sounds more logical from a development perspective? Creating an entirely new class or simply expanding the range of 3 abilities?

Yeah sure We can make you death knight a “Caster”



what is this a Kevin smirth moment of dumb idea

In short Necromancer are the idea Caster, while Meele are what we get Rouge+Warlock

In short Death knight are I REPEAT I REPEAT


they are Meele fighters and So far you try to make them into caster yeah no Get out go roll mage or some casty shaman case that just Bah
 Cleark level of Customer stupid

Caster Death knight


You wouldn’t get kicked because you’re using a hero talent.

Again simple question; What’s more logical? Giving DKs a hero talent that makes 3-4 strikes ranged (they’ve already done it with Scourge Strike), or creating an entirely new class that’s essentially using the same abilities as DKs and Warlocks?

You gotta use your brain here bud.

Yeah I drop this

Any more of this I just gonna pull my head out case Death knight are are


any more of you just hurt my brain

so in short this for you, and Death knight are meele and Necromancer are idea Death Caster class


And don’t read this guy post just give you brain poison.

And that’s never happening. So instead of hoping for stuff that’s never happening, you should advocate for something that actually can happen; Like giving DKs a hero talent that allows them to fight from range.

nope nope I not reading it brain posion

Death Knight are #MEELE

and Necromancer are the casters

We just need Necromancer class, and all is right in world.


We’ve had one since 2008.

All in all, I found button does not see brain poison, Remember kids

Death knight are Meele, kids

And ask for Necromancer for that caster Death magic.


The problem is that Blizzard has created melee necromancers in the past (see Xul in HotS and Necromancers in D3 which were largely based on DKs). So to them, a Necromancer doesn’t need to be ranged to be a necromancer.

So again, a caster necromancer isn’t going to happen in WoW.

Now back to what was going on

yeah Necromancer been around since well I know warcraft one have some thing it to raise undead, LIke as I point in video walrock get one pet but in demonlaigy they get what army of imps

What necromancer can get is 2-3 type of bone men and Go in diffrent play style and and Summon up spiecal undead

Ghoul as you void walker pet, Some patch hound for pvp, Banshe for intercupt and charm/possion, And Abomination to what we have for warlock fel guard

Beside with that in mind With Necromancer they can do some Dots and slow and heal counter making joy watch Your prey rott away :smiley: I can see it happens.


I would love to hear some of the Ideas you have for Necromancer! :skull_and_crossbones:


Necromancer only playable on the forums.

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