Someone sell me on Necrolord and for a specific class.
I already picked Venthyr Prot / Fury Warrior
Kyrian Prot Paladin
And Night Fae Destro Lock
(For the story mainly but also because the ability is very useful for the spec I play)
Other then the Abomination Slap I’m seeing DKs love as much as Warriors love Condemn is there any other class that has a good Necrolord ability? (Besides the 3 i listed)
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I think Shamans and DKs are the 2 main Necrolord classes.
rogues have a great one, it’s a permanent dot! who does’nt like having an ability you don’t need to refresh on a target?
On Mage you get to become a Skelly boi for 20 seconds. 
You also get a nice int buff and 4 other members get a 2% int buff for 10 seconds if you choose Emeni (the most beautiful princess of all the Shadowlands).
I actually really like the Deathborne ability for the Arcane Blast cleave.
I just leveled a shaman to round out my “one toon per class” as Resto / Ele. Are they any good so far?
Spriest can use necrolords. Necros ability is actually better in a 1v1 situation in pve and pvp. The dot is measured by square root math, so the more things necro ability hits, lowers its output greatly.
Heirmir lets you role-play your Warrior as having Guts’ Berserk Armor.
For ten seconds.
SPriest you say? I’ll check that out on my baby Zandi, Ty!
I like it for my UH DK. Mainly for the stitching table or whatever - build-an-abomination. Make a tanky one, a healy one, one you can ride on plus a few others.
Resto Sham is probably the best healer in the game right now. Not sure about Ele.
My mage didn’t really have a dog in the covenant fight since as a highly technically inclined gnome, none of the armor sets really fit him and as neat as the phalynx look they just don’t beat the wheel bike.
So it came down to gameplay, and Skelly Boi lined up perfectly with Icy Veins. After trying it out I kinda want them as an Allied Race now, NGL. Too bad they wouldn’t look that good in PC armor. The big bubble and build-your-own Abom bodyguard aren’t bad for squishy clothies either.
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Destro for even more tankyness in pve and pvp. Big single target burst.
The ability helps with burst healing for a resto shammy and you can put a hat on an abomination
I have my hunter in Necrolord, mainly for the story it’s the one that interested me most but the chakra is a really cool ability that has a pretty neat spell cast on it. Looks like a giant green frisbee that goes around banging all the bad guys heads.
hunter isn’t too popular though for necrolord. but I like mine there and I’m an oddball so, it works 
When me and my necro bros are off pillaging we often take time off to let the smile cats
Yes ele is one of the top raid specs (5th I think?) , great in pvp, and good in m+ as long as the tanks don’t hate earthquakes. Torghast is also a breeze thanks to my boy Rocky
Who would hate the Earthquakes tho?
Pretty good for a bear tank. Add to that, that Druids are the master class and…well. Especially if you don’t have one, druids are hard to get away from once you get used to them.
You get to pet the dog, sorry its not class specific as all classes can.
I think i’ll do them on my rogue and just replace shuriken throw with serrated bone spike on my bars.