I recently switched my covenant from Kyrian to Necrolords. Did all the available campaign quests, and accepted the “Secure the House” quest during renown 3-5. Upon hitting renown 5 and going to turn in “Secure the House” quest. There’s a copy of Draka, Vashj, and Mograine below the altar that looks like they are there to welcome me to the covenant hall. And on the altar there’s an extra Vashj, but no Draka, and no quest turn-in. This leads me to believe it is a phasing bug with an unknown side quest or world quest. I have tried relogging and completed all necessary callings to Necrolords. She hasn’t moved or become a quest giver.
Am currently stuck on renown 5, until this bug is fixed or weekly server maintenance mysteriously fixes the phasing bug
Absolutely game breaking.
I’ve been stuck on the same bug after switching from Kyrian to Necrolord. Have 7 Renown and can’t progress further because Draka has decided to not move to the quest location.
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I am having the same issue as well, can’t turn in Secure the House to Draka
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Having this exact issue as well, hope Blizzard sees this.
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So I think i might have figured out the issue, but I need some more people to confirm it. I noticed that looking at my quest journal that I had only completed 1/9 of the Necrolord campaign, with Loyal to the Primus showing that it was not complete. I then went to Questchecker .com and went through all the quests in that storyline. I found that quest 61378 “Power of the Primus” Showed that it was not completed, yet I have access to all Necrolord Covenant Abilities.
Curious to see if anyone else can corroborate this to give the guys at Blizz a bit of an idea where to start.
Same exact issue, switched from venthyr to necrolord and this problem is happening to me as well.
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Also having this issue. Completed Venthyr and switch to Necrolord yesterday. Draka moves up the stairs and prevents completing Power of the Primus. I tried dropping the quest and re-acquiring but now it shows the exclamation on my mini-map but I can’t re-acquire (probably because Draka is in the wrong location).
I have the exact same issue. ‘Power of the Primus’ shows up on my minimap but I cannot aquire the quest. I even see a silver question mark from the quest giver but no quest in their dialogue. It’s almost like it’s acting like I haven’t met a requirement to pick up the quest.
Because of that I cannot get my soul bind or daily we quests from the covenant hall. I can continue the mainline story quests so far but I know I’ll hit a roadblock once I get to Securing the House.
Same , Opened a ticket now to wait a week for a response with toon unplayable for a week no biggie, Should also be noted that I’m paying for the privilege
Same here. Draka looks cool and all but I think she needs a map to the quest location. She’s walked up the stairs for me too and I cannot get my decimating bolt or continue the questline.
Feels so bad to play without your covenant ability. 
This is such crap, bug still exists. Thanks Blizz, take my money but still won’t fix game breaking bugs