Necrolord Covenant Bug

I am currently doing the Necrolord Quest chain for the covenant after switching to them from Venthyr. I have experienced a bug that makes the covenant unable to be progressed.

The bug is as follows, I am stuck on the Loyal to the Primus Quest Completion, however the major bug of it is that I cannot talk to Draka because they are all stuck in the cheering portion of the campaign from the very start of it. I have waited 24 hours now and done all the steps provided by a GM. Removed the Quests, turned off all add-ons. And still nothing has changed.

Because of this bug it makes it impossible for me to continue the Covenant Campaign because she will not move from her spot standing next to Lady Vashj, Mograine in the middle of the room.


There are other people in the same boat. We are all stuck together, and there are other posts with the exact same issue lol.

Figured as much, just didnt see them at them. Been told its a bug.

The bugs are under covenant campaign phasing issue and the other is the renown 5 covenant campaign quest title.

Having the exact same issue here, please fix it blizzard!

Just chiming in to say I’m having the same issue. I switched to Necrolord from Nightfae. I cannot turn in the quest At Your Service to Draka. The question mark is on the mini map to turn in, but Draka is standing in the wrong spot and I cannot interact with her.


I am having the same issue also. i switched from kyrian to necrolords. reached renown 5 and draka hasnt moved. i abanded to see if that helps, now I cant pick the quest back up until she moves.

same issue here.

Filed a bug report + a customer support ticket.
Customer support gave me a generic not helpful answer


Having the same issue I put in a report and still have not heard back

Same issue for me, I have read that there is a bunch of posts about this and its been brought up two weeks ago and blizzards hasn’t done anything about it.

Same Issue here. Stuck on “Eyes on the Problem” I submitted a ticket and Blizz closed it with no response. So hopefully they are on top of it.

Thats what you get for deserting your covenant. You were warned before deserting. Maybe Blizzard intended this.

Can you just not be a troll? No way this is intended.

Same issue here

meant to post as my dk
same issue loyal to primus not done but torghast done cant get soulbinds or anything

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has there been any updates? my dk is currently experiencing this now, honestly this is unexcusable

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Ok i figured it out. You have to complete quest Start a Sanctum Upgrade. Once you start the upgrade, next quest is to soulbind with Marileth. Once you complete soulbinding ritual, socket the conduit, talk to Draka and you get your Loyal to the Primus completed

MY dk is currently unplayable because of it.

Also having this issue.