Is it so bad I’ll be laughed out of Mythic+? It is my favorite covenant so far.
Ain’t no one gonna know. Have at it and go nuts my friend
You should see it on the PTR in pvp with pickling thorns and deep roots.
Pretty crazy.
Yes, you will be laughed at when you cant do 15k dps on bosses with pride.
But balance base dps is strong enough that you’ll be “fine”.
I think with the buffs it should theoretically be viable. The problem with Adaptive Swarm is you can only control the first cast of it, the bounces go wherever they feel like. However, I’m sure Convoke is still the strongest for balance as it generates a ton of AP, synergizes great with our best Legendary, and is great for burst windows (such as prideful and PvP kills).
In all honesty I wish they would have buffed Adaptive Swarm even further by giving it two charges on top of the current buff because it’s kinda depressing seeing something like 88% of all Druids Night Fae.
I just saw this on the official patch notes concerning Necrolord adaptive swarm.
“The effectiveness of periodic effects increased to 35% for Balance Druids.”
So this used to be 20% in live… Is this going to be viable with Circle of Life and Death?
I’m enjoying Circle as a feral, even though it’s not BiS, would like to have a viable dot spec again.
The biggest problem with adaptive is its single target. It needs to be more like locust swarm from diablo3 where it splits and eventually hits all mobs and players. If there is no target to jump to that has no debuff on it. It should fade from that mob. As long as there is something without the debuff in range. It should jump to that target and reset the timer on the next jump.
The big issue is our dots are terrible single target dps. But great aoe pressure. It needs to split into more targets and spread like an actual swarm. This change alone would make it viable in so many more settings.
But nope. We convoke until our eyes bleed!