Since the Necrolord Assault is up and Mawsworn Caches are up. There’s one that’s blatantly out of reach because the natural way for everyone to get to them is through the Kyrian Centurions you ride to get on the walls, unfortunately, this Necrolord Assault does NOT provide you the Centurions this time around, so you’re *#&$ out of luck, especially if you don’t have your grappling hooks for whatever reason but this one doesn’t even have a grappling hook anchor to it either. Making this absolutely inaccessible.
The particular Mawsworn Cache is right in front the gate of Perdition Hold. Of course no one will see it on the ground until you hook yourself up on top of the walls but this Cache is on the round, flat towers.
So… Blizzard, even though things are rough right now but it is clear someone’s still doing work and might wanna look into a hotfix for this.
I was just about to make a post about the same thing. It’s impossible to get to. I’m not even surprised that the people at Blizz still royally screw crap up that should be such a simple thing. In any other company, messing crap up like this would call the wrath of the gods on you. They would be ripped to shreds by management and so damn scared to screw up again that it just wouldn’t happen (often… not like it does in this and previous expansions).
Its pretty minor but for people like me. Who definitely like to collect things, this is a BIG glaring issue. And these caches are what you need to get a mount if I’m reading things correctly. I’m missing ONE item that helps me get a mount from this particular Necrolord Assault.
Ok, so this works. The new problem is that it’s not just that one tower. It’s all of them. I had to wait 40 minutes just to get to the top of the tallest tower to get the cache. What a stupid design.
This is not a bug, and should not be posted here at all.
The caches up high are intended to only be opened with the Centurion when that quest is active. The Centurion has an ability designed to get you up there easily.
The only mounts associated with those caches either require opening 10 in total over the course of however many days you want as part of a Meta Achievement OR completing a quest that has a chance to drop from a cache that requires the Centurion to complete. This is by design and not a bug.
Then they shouldn’t be spawning there when the centurion isn’t a quest that week. This is a problem and it’s rightfully posted here in the correct spot. Get off your high horse.
If the developers wanted the cache to spawn there without the quest, it wouldn’t be a bug. The developers’ deliberate design choices are never a bug, player opinions notwithstanding.
You’re part of the reason why people leave this game. Flippant and ignorant responses and believing you know it all.
Or perhaps (follow along if you can. I understand it may be too much for you to digest) they possibly overlooked the spawn locations and times associated with the quest. Imagine that!!! They might make a few mistakes here and there. Heaven forbid we bring it up and some posters with their falsely aggrandized egos show up and try to shoot things down.
I was simply stating a fact.
This is a complaint thread and not a bug report. This forum is for reporting bugs, not disliking an achievement and/or quest.
You can get the caches during any Necrolord assault, but the quest is required to reach them easily and get the item needed for the mount.
No need to be so hostile, this is not the suggestion forum and should not be used as one.
Oh, I guess he should have consulted his magic crystal ball first. That way he would have known it wasn’t a bug. How irresponsible of him. It’s a shame people like you play this game. It never even crossed your mind that may, just maybe, it was the first time the OP did the even and the centurion was not up (and they thought it was a legitimate bug). I’m not going to waste my time arguing with you and further.
There are two caches that require either the Supercharged Guardian or a toy to get to. There is also the third cache that is visible from the ground (the one you and the replies noticed) that probably can also be reached as a Demon Hunter as well as with the toy or the guardian. It would have been nice to be able to figure this out without having to go outside of the game and do research, but that appears to be the trend in games these days.