Necrolord Assault 3/4

Couldn’t find anything on this, I recently completed all 4 of the quests for this assault. But the quest objective is only reading 3/4 complete. I went back through my chat and saw 4 quests showing completed. I’ve tried logging out, zoning out, and even leaving shadowlands. I guess I won’t be completing this assault.


Currently experiencing the same thing.

I even had somebody join a party with me and attempt to share all 4 quests.
On their end, it said I had completed all 4 quests whilst on my side I’m still 3/4.

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same. abandoned the quest and relogged… nothing. been sitting here with the item on the turn in but no changes

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only 1 hand required to finish the job indeed

Lo mismo, el mismo error del 3/4

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I turned off my WM and it work somewhat

There is a quest giver, Mikanikos, off by himself at 37, 63. This is the quest giver you may be missing. I was stuck at 3/4 also until I noticed him on the way to a daily.


OMG, you’re a life saver! First correct answer I have found. Turning in the last part of the Centurion was still bugged. Had to join a group a few times to get phased but all worked out.


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I really hate this game sometimes. The only reason I never saw this quest giver is because players kept dragging mobs into him which made his exclamation point Quest notification on the minimap and on-screen completely disappear.

So here I am running around the Maw trying to figure out what quest I am missing, until I saw your post. So for that, I say thanks–you saved me even more time today.

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This worked TYVM

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Been stuck on 3/4 since yesterday. This is awesome. Thnks!!

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FYI in case you can’t find the fourth questgiver, try switching On or Off War Mode (opposite of what you’re on) and going back to the zone. This was the extra step I needed to actually get the quest.

bless, I was getting really frustrated when I thought it was a bug lol

still broken 6/20/24 this is very embarrassing for blizz.