Necro legendary

Why the legendary gives haste? Why not versatility or give it charge or switch Necro and night fae legendaries? It is only a 20% haste buff on single target and I get 20% if it overloads. C’mon the legendary is very weak compare to chain harvest which being buffed tremendously. Why fae transfusion don’t give maelstorm with each tick or whatever?

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It can in theory go up to 60% (if you have flame shocks on 6 targets), but its uptime is very dependant on whether primordial wave gets reset. I do not think overloads affect it, so on single target it is capped at 10%.

So this legendary is the weakest among all

Many people have said this, myself included, especially on the PTR with Necro Legendary, other covenants and double legendaries out perform it massively… it cannot compete if brought to live how it is.

And they think that 10% instead of 8% gonna fix the problem now? The problem was in those 2%? It’s gonna change things? Just why?

Having a minimum of 40% haste almost all the time in M+ raid will help Enhance shammy for his rotation quite alot.
For arena it is quite useless tough

For ele its quite bad cause Flame shock doesnt spread.
For resto well it could be usefull but Haste isnt a priority and you need to maintain lots of riptide to make it worth it.

Definitely agree. I’ve seen 3 suggested changes to Splintered Elements posted here in the Shaman class forum and on the PTR forums that I like:

#1: Change the haste buff to Vers, or a mix of all stats.
#2: Give Primordial Wave two charges.
#3: Reduce the cooldown of Primordial Wave per cleave target hit. (Something like two seconds per target hit with Resto, more for other specs.)

In its current state, Splintered Elements is pretty bad for all specs. “Flex taping” 5%, 10%, and 20% buffs to the haste amount or duration doesn’t seem to be the play here.

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Bumping this again. Make meaningful changes to this legendary please.
Edit: As others pointed out, today’s PTR patch was a tooltip fix, my bad.

This was a tooltip fix; the duration buff happened at the same time as the haste buff last build.

But it’s a good legendary for enhancement aoe now, so at least it isn’t totally worthless.

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Indeed. Will be interesting to see almost 100% haste in every doomwinds window (aoe).

Still outperformed by others but a decent choice to mix it up when bored

Just change it to give 8% to highest secondary stat for 12s.

Or at least make it fun to use -_-