Necessary Priest EndGame Expansion Tweak

I think that the typical problem that all priests have is a style problem. It is hard being cool yet disciplined with good manners; and make it look fun sometimes (because of the stressful nature of our jobs keeping our group’s health-bars topped or mana-bars full.)

To help with this:
I suggest a really simple fix that will make everyone want to try being a healer first, and then… maybe roll a dps character or something.

So last night, after… I randomly looked at my Teebu’s Blazing Longsword I decided that I could use this to solve the bigger-picture issue our order has. When choosing the Kyrian Covenant I didn’t realize how powerful that ability would become… so I was thinking all the time what buffs I could bring to the table in order to keep us in mere-competition with the other covenants.
At this time… I think the only thing the Kyrian Covenant Priests need is that style buff. (wardrobe buff) To reiterate the point… and knowing that the developers have the true say in whether my idea comes to fruition or not… I have decided that I will make an appropriate forum post (with few typos) and have a disclamer at the end of it. That’s how serious this is to me. Do not belittle me without reading the disclaimer at this point. (I will cut you down… as well as I able.)

1 {lorepart}
2 {simple-explanation}
3 {how i think you can accomplish}
4 {disclaimer}

Gul’dan did something like this when he armed those monstrous demons with the arcanite reaper he was able to mass-produce and distribute evenly throughout his forces. It involves Swords and the ever-necessary Priesthood

I want Teebu’s Blazing Longsword to be the weapon I carry when the buff “Boon of the Ascendant” is up.

The same way Demonolgy was fixed graphically from all the monotonous arcanite reapers… with a glyph! of course! Think of all the money those poor scribes will make! Think of all the flowers that will be picked! Think of the happiness you could bring!

Long story short this is a post that speaks for all of the Priest’s in my order because none of are very cool; and I drew the short-straw. Sucks to be me. Have a nice day.

p.s. This is honestly all Kyrian Discipline Priests want. (stop making us so powerful; buff some other classes every now and then)

Please note: I have put a significant amount of time into this series of letters. I discourage any trolling as my patience has already been tested by myself to an extreme and stressful degree. However if you like the formatting I will allow for trolling; just include the string “tOAoF” in strongly (or possibly can be perceived as) negative trolling replies.

wait what?

Kyrian priests look ok to me.

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I’m about to say something that rarely gets said on the internet; which is why it’s important that I’m being honest. There will be no edits to this post. One take; straight through. Just like “P!NK” taught me.

I have an answer for every single solitary-loser troll on the internet who replied even only out loud to this post.

{That being said… honesty is the best policy because I got distracted give me a second.} (it was my absolutely infuriating mother}

When you combine the elements (that typically don’t occur naturally together) such as the elements “Darkness” and “Light” you get friction. That friction generates some type of radiation. Be it heat, (hot) (cold) ; or sonic… in nature (which is radio-waves) … For example your average bluetooth device… which constantly bang against your noggin’ making you forgetful sometimes; maybe… even dozing off theoretically smart ninja navy seal guy. That’s not funny! Stop doing that :slight_smile: