Necessary arena addons for War Within?

Preferably ones that don’t take much tweaking, default profile would be great

Not sure what nameplate addon is best, also omnibar i’m assuming is still the way to go for interrupts, what about tracking enemy cds, bursts and defensives?
What about sArena for arena frames, is that still used?

ty guys

people typically land on fly plate buffs

i’ve always preferred name plate auras

same; most people just include all of these things on their single omni bar

some people make several bars; i have one isolated for kicks then a second separate one for other abilities just to relieve clutter

i still use and prefer sarena

i’d say get “party ability bar” or “arena team tracker” as well
even with good comms having access to your teams cd bank is extremely helpful in decision making

  • Gladiusex (or other version of Gladius, or Sarena)

  • OmniCD

  • BigDebuffs

  • Omnibar (especially if you are a caster/healer)

  • WeakAuras (depending on your spec, but most specs have at least 1-2 major things that can be difficult to notice/track without)

The top 3 are mandatory for everyone imo.

The top 4 are mandatory for you if you’re a caster/healer.

WeakAuras I wouldn’t say is mandatory, but it is a huge QoL addon.


Depending on your goals addons are completely optional. They aren’t necessary to learning the game

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Thanks man, i was told omniauras does the same thing as bigdebuffs? What’s the difference? which is beter? ty again!!

I’ll have to look into that one, haven’t actually heard of omniauras so can’t give an opinion.

Ok ty man!!

Also, what nameplate addons are best? prefer not to have to tweak it at all

I don’t use a nameplate addon, but I hear many people like Plater and TidyPlates, with Plater being the more popular one if I recall correctly.

ElvUI is better than both and I will die on this hill.

Nothing is necessary. I dont use addons and i think its alot funner without em honestly. I kind of wish blizz would ban most addons except for meters, to make the game more accessible for mew players.

I use gladius to track dr/trinket, bigdebuffs, omnibar (for kicks only, but you can track everything), omnicd to see team cds, and Weakauras, with 0 real customization for those.

The most important one is Details: big dam > all else (all jokes aside)

you really need 3 for arena;

something to track DR’s, something to track enemy kicks/cds, and a better nameplate/party frame addon

i use omnibar/aura, gladius when its working otherwise sArena for years and ofcourse my personal favourite BetterBlizzPlates

This is such a ffx main thing to say