Nearly Impossible to Find Groups Outside of Northrend

Yeah u linked that earlier too.

Oh good, so you accept that its currently not in the game.

Glad we agree. You can go now.

You’re weird dude. lol.

Joke spam topics get treated as such.

I mean you basically just accomplished nothing with all of your posts. We are right back at the starting point, which is that RDF, a wrath feature we want, isn’t in the game, which we all know, hence why we are here, and you linked data that everyone already knows about. Like what’s your goal here, because i’m a little lost.

I accomplished the same thing these rdf spam topics accomplish.

So you’re talking just to talk, like jarjar binks off star wars or something.

Think about what I just said, then think about what you just replied with.

Got it? Good. Moving on.

The ability to speak does not make you intelligent. Now get out of here.

I agree, which is why you should stop embarrassing yourself.

OK, logging into Whitemane… let’s get this dungeon started!

Edit: Creating my entry into LFG:


Notice that I present myself as a friendly player and accept new players. About to hit submit.

Edit2: Well this looks promising:

Maybe I offer myself up as tank, maybe not.

Edit3: 1 minute later, they invite me!


Edit4: Oh drat! Healer dropped. Maybe they were waiting a long time… while I wait, I will start flying out there to get to summoning stone, just like all good players would normally do.

Edit5: Offered to tank, picked up DPS… oh, and a healer. Full party.

Didn’t take long. See ya all!

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the amount of “no your anecdote is wrong, here’s why with my own anecdote to prove you wrong” hypocrisy is strong in this thread.

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I’m not asking for an instant queue. I’m asking for a way to find groups within a reasonable amount of time. 10-15 hours isn’t reasonable. Out-leveling the entire zone (and half the continent) in less time than it takes to find a group isn’t reasonable.

As I’ve said, there were dozens of players – often over 50 – in HFP while I was playing.

So you agree that the current LFG tool is only half as effective as it needs to be? If the solution is spam whispering everybody in a zone until someone is bothered enough to join, this game is about to get a lot worse. I said in my original post that I was able to join a few groups, and that each of them fell apart trying to fill the final spots.

As I said, there was no shortage of players leveling.

If the current LFG tool is so bad that the only solution now is to spam whisper potentially the entire zone, I would think that indicates a problem. No?

Most people find monitoring interface panels to be a fairly mundane task, wouldn’t you say?

If you bother to read the thread, you’ll see that there are plenty of people playing older content.

The “societal bonds” aspect is nonsense, as has successfully been argued dozens of times. I try to strike up conversation in every dungeon I join. The vast majority of the time, people just want to get the dungeon over as quickly as possible and leave without saying a word. And how likely is it that I’ll have a repeat encounter with some player that I ran a dungeon with? When most players are on servers with hundreds of thousands of other players? When most players raid-log and/or play alts? Talk about far-fetched.

Correct. The LFG tool is so ineffective that even the anti-RDF folks can no longer pretend it’s a workable solution.

… Right. So you actually were unable to assemble groups playing your arms warrior as an arms warrior. Most classes can’t switch roles that way. And if finding a group is so difficult that the only option is to reroll, how can one argue that everything is fine?

The mental gymnastics from them is just becoming more and more wild at this point. Basically every argument they have has been debunked so many times, over and over. It’s a circle. A new thread pops up, they make the same ‘‘counter’’ arguments, they get ratio’d, and then next time, it all happens again.

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Ratio’d by sub 80 alts.

Thus proving my spam theory.

Notice how people like you start throwing insults when this gets called out?

It would be difficult to answer this reasonably without having a very well-defined definition of precisely what you mean.

Regardless, there are enough people playing WoW that there are certainly bound to be outliers that represent extreme edge cases in both successful and unsuccessful attempts at using LFG. It’s possible that we are both on opposite extremes, and both imagine ourselves to be representative of the average user, so :woman_shrugging:

Food for thought: if spam-whispering everybody in a zone is effective where the LFG tool isn’t, what does that tell us? That there are many players who want to run dungeons, but aren’t, because they lack the tools they need to find a group.


So, took me 12 minutes to form a BRD group (see earlier edited message).


That blizzard is correct with the social feedback and RDF isnt needed.

as a tank tbf, which will generally always get grabbed quick.
Also how many people besides you and the one group were in the waiting room when you signed up?
Were there other tanks?

not going for a gotcha, but finding a group as a tank at most levels isn’t going to help your point here I don’t think, considering you had to alter your selected role to get into a working group. Had there not been a tank around the outcome may have been different.

but like I said no horse in the race, just observing.