Nearly Impossible to Find Groups Outside of Northrend

Yes… hence “dungeons.”

Also, yes, people DO care - admittedly, not everyone will, but some do, regarding class and spec. I’ve been turned down/rejected several times for groups because they wanted AoE DPS, not a Warrior.

Is this you?

4 dungeons in 7 days? That’s not a good average.

Gotta love it when someone makes a thread, details a lot of reasons why the current LFG tool is not working (especially for alt leveling) and they are met with the usual list of excuses from the “wider community”.

  • “Well MY experience was different, so it must be a YOU problem, but a tool/game problem” - check
  • “Quest EXP is better than dungeon EXP”/“Quests are a better experience” - check
  • “Muh social experience” (aka spam or whisper players on mass to get group) - check
  • “Make your own group” - check
  • “RDF is not a classic experience” - check
  • Interviews from years ago used as “proof” that things won’t change - check
  • “Blizzard wants to sell boosts” - check
  • “Move to a new/high-pop server” - check

At this point all the people opposed to RDF in any form actually have a “Greatest Hits” of excuses and “counter-points” that I can actually checklist the replies to threads like this.

But to support the OP, I recently leveled an alt from 1-80 through TBC and Wrath. I tried multiple times to get groups together for Group Quest or Dungeon content, with 99% of those attempts resulting in having to BEG a Guildie to come and either help kill the mob, or run me through the dungeon. Trying to do either of these things with people of my own level, regardless of server population or people in zone, resulted in nothing getting done.

Yes, I could just skip that content and move on, which I ultimately did, but I wanted to do the content because Group Quests/Dungeon Quests give higher than average EXP and some good gear that helps leveling in the next zone. Believe it or not, even with leveling, World of Warcraft Classic is a Min/Max game. So I’m playing the game the way the developers designed and intended the game to be, but my experience gets crushed because alt leveling has been forgotten with this revamp of Classic.

In a game which already has a lot of changes in it already, why is RDF the hill to which many people seem to want to die on? We already have Auto-PvP tools, Dual-Spec, more Heirlooms than original, etc. So why keep denying this one tool that, if put in correctly, would give people more reason to level alts and keep the cash coming in through subscriptions?


Lotta sweats in here boasting about running a couple dungeons in a whole week to suggest that RDF isn’t needed. Please touch grass lol.


I find that extremely surprising attitude for a levelling dungeon. Maybe your server just has more sweaties.

I’m not 100% focused on levelling alts. When I want to run a dungeon, it almost always happens. /shrug

Sorry, I must be touching too much grass as opposed to running multiple dungeons a day lol.

Instead you just quest for the millionth time or mob grind, so yeah, there’s a serious lack of grass touching going on with the anti-Rdfers.


Lotta insults spewing from pro-RDF’ers. Almost like…proving our point that RDF attracts toxic people and helped ruin retail.

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Havnt played retail since WoD, so keep trying with that one lol.

Thanks for the thoughtful and honest reply. You pretty much summed up every argument against RDF that I’ve seen over the past 3-4 months. I’ve invalidated or otherwise proven to be false each and every one of them, and it sort of just goes in a circle.

I’ve actually seen a handful of decent replies here (2 or 3 out of the dozens that consist of what you mentioned) that I intend to reply to.


So did Wrath? Not quite sure where you are going with this.


Not till the final major content patch it didnt.

That was released halfway through wrath.

Are we halfway through Classic Wrath?

At a certain level, the only quests I do are the chain quests leading to a dungeon quest. Once I have all the dungeon quests, I run the dungeon.

But hey, continue with your silly name calling and bad assumptions lol.

So you aren’t into dungeons. That’s perfectly fine. But many players prefered to level via dungeons in OG Wrath TM.

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I was able to find groups consistently while leveling my alt.

Tip: Be social. Join a guild.

It really is that easy.

Your lack of reading comprehension is scary.

No, they dont


Blue Tracker | Official Post

No Dungeon Finder – Players rediscovering Wrath of the Lich King Classic won’t find the Looking for Dungeon feature originally added in Patch 3.3.5. We’ve heard from our Classic community that the importance of social bonds is a big part of what makes Classic their game of choice, and we agree.

Removed due to player feedback. Now go away.

I read it. Perhaps yours is scary. My response was fine.

No evidence to suggest any player feedback was actually received. Lies lol.