NE genocide didn't happen - Redshirt Guy

Players typically don’t focus on the events of past factions, like the bombing of Theramore or the fall of Faldragon and Saurfang the Younger at Wrathgate. Blizzard’s marketing strategy, especially on new players is always to focus on the present.

And usually the first sign of that is the removal of the bulk of the portals from what were the key cities of the last expansion.

There are seemingly less Alliance players who have done the War of the Thorns event than have done the Darkshore Warfront, with, from this site’s gathering methods, of 120 players only about 26% of players have the Teldrassil Hippogryph, while in comparison nearly 36% of players have the In Teldrassil’s Shadow achievement and a likewise nearly 36% of players have the War for the Shore achievement.

You’re making a lot of assumptions about what the vast majority of players who only know what is shown to them think of the Night Elves.

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None of what you just said provides any credence to your argument that we should just expect people to buy and read the books. I don’t even know why you bothered to bring this up. But again I shouldn’t be surprised. If you can’t stay on point then I’m done here.

The books are free

I made no argument that we should expect people to read books. At best, they should read the novels should they show up in these forums and we direct them said novels.

My points have been that you don’t actually know what the vast majority of players think of the Night Elves, and those that do know about the novels should know better about how the evacuations went. And any new players won’t ever get to play through the War of the Thorns in-game event, so the novels or Wowpedia will be more important to them, assuming they look up the information at all.

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Hmm, I wonder how many have the Hippogryph but not the darkshore stuff?

Also how many are Horde players with the mount since both mounts were awarded with the first completion of the event on either side?

Oddly enough the Undercity Plaguebat is almost at 36% of players, so maybe either more Horde players don’t have Alliance alts, or more Undercity Plaguebats carry over from Alliance players’ Horde alts.

It may be due to the fact the numbers are represented as a % and not flat numbers. 25% of 1,000 would be greater than 36% of 100 for example.

Assuming Alliance and Horde 120’s are treated separately.

The percents are for total players who own said mount, not Alliance and Horde separately.

Players or Characters? Can they track which characters belong to the same account(s)?

That I’m not sure of. I’m guessing Characters, rather than Players. However, checking the armory, both the Teldrassil Hippogryph and Undercity Plaguebat will show up in both your characters’ collections if you have logged into an opposite faction alt, despite only one of them actually being usable on either character.

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Well Blizzard just made BFA completely pointless by removing the Siege of Lordaeron and of War of Thorns.

not removed

has been removed for years now

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