(N/Cross-Server) Pet Appreciation Festival!

Hi all, getting a pet-themed event going for WrA and MG! Right now the event is to be held Nov, 21st at 6PM WrA, 8PM MG. Location TBD

The plan is to have several fun events including a hunter and battle pet talent show, mount show, mount race, pet battles, pet training, food, and more!

We’re needing volunteers to act as judges, groomers, medics, vendors and more as well.

If you think you may want to attend, please head to -discord.gg/59ZV75FX- and reach out to me in person on discord or in game if you want to help out!


This sounds adorable! Will it be hosted on WrA or MG? Have you advertised it on WCP?

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I’m hosting it on WrA but will definetly get people from MG in with anchors. I’ll post there soon thank you for the reiminder!