Nazjatar War Chest Achievements Broken

Both Fighting on Two Fronts and Supplying the Assassins are not working. When you loot (first person to open) a war chest neither counter is being incremented. This appears broken since 11.0 pre-patch. Note that I am able to increment the achievement progress for the other 3 criteria in Fighting on Two Fronts. Yes, I am an assassin, yes I am in war mode, yes I am the first person to loot the chest.


Replying to gain traction, hope this is fixed!

Same issue here. I’m getting so frustrated with all of the hoops you have to jump through just to interact with old content. The breadcrumb quest to unlock the Dreamwalk ability was bugged and unavailable until I completed the prepatch questline. I couldn’t acquire the breadcrumb for heart of azeroth until I completed the dragonflight intro. Just to get Nazjatar fully unlocked was painful. Now I’m not getting credit for doing the exact thing an achievement is calling for. UGH!

Same issue

Also had this bug where it’s not tracking - chest has also got bloody coins in it now which i don’t think it previously had which may be related to the bug.

Same, really sucks not being able to get past this crap.

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Still broken after the 11.0.2 patch.

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Confirmed not functioning even after 11.0.2. patch.

Same issue with war chests. The achievement does not appear to be tracking this requirement. Opened 3 in the last 2 days and still says I have only opened 1 (where I started).

Still broken after maintenance on 8/20.

Not working as of 9/22, chest still not crediting achievement.