Nazjatar Screen Flicker? Sorta

2 Issues first I will talk about the title and then about QA room.

I notice regardless of what driver I have from 431.60 to latest that when I enter combat or drop from the sky and ice lance something or click like a shell for a quest I will get a ever so faint black flash its barely noticeable but it is definitely there and is not normal. I noticed it this week. So I have reset my game, scan and repaired it found nothing, I ran CMD /sfc scannow, no issues, windows fully up2date. I also checked for latest bios to which I do have, I tried drivers ranging from 431.60 to current and it is still the same, This occurred with no addons or with addons, Even after a wtf and gpu cache folder delete. I did use DDU in safe mode and even made sure to install my chip-set CPU drivers from gigabyte and then updated from AMD and test in between to be sure. Same result. I even have the same issue on my laptop! Both issues really… I think it might be a windows update but I feel like I am starting to go crazy.

Issue 2: In the Eternal Palace, when you are @ Queen, I will notice that my FPS is at a solid number and then every few seconds it just drops for no reason and then comes right back, tested this on a fresh install as well on different drivers no luck on getting it fixed, I even lowered the FPS to 60 just to check it like that and about every 5-7 seconds it would drop and then come back again, Mind you I dropped it from 144. Am I going crazy here? or are others getting this too?

Cpu 2700x/2600/laptop 7700k
Memory: 16gb on all systems but laptop which has 32, all G.skill.
PSU: a 750w and 850w evga supernova in both desktops and laptop has its own plug.
SSD: all have Samsung Nvme ssd 1tb.
Gpu: EVGA 1660ti for both desktops, laptop has a 1060 6gb.
Display: 144hz Asus for desktops, laptop has 60hz panel.

I made a short video about 2 minutes and if you watch it is generally when I hit the terrain, I could always see it on my side when I dropped from a mount however the recording didnt always pick it up. Anyways here is the video

P.S. It slightly fades on login and the GPU usage isn’t sporadic or anything so I don’t understand if this is something I am at fault for or if it is a windows issue.

streamable(dot)/09ypp <-- about 30 seconds and near end u can see it really well.

streamable(dot)/bhpuv <-- continued and had a friend assist and he had the same issue.

Sorry had to type in the dot, it wouldnt let me include links so that is the only way I could get it to show you guys.

The second video I go to ironforge and it doesnt do it there, I also tested legion, and boralus no go there either, it seems to be localized to only nazjatar and changing of transportation mode and touching the terrain, sometimes when I buff myself with intellect although that is rare to see it there and again only in that zone. I also tried with slow fall and it still did it. Any help would be great or at least tell me I am not going crazy.

12 posts were merged into an existing topic: Flickering issue