Nazjatar quest reward weapons

aka Shuchu. A quick post on my main for any who might wonder about my gear/rep/achievements/whatever. For somereason, that other character is the only one that can post on Classic Beta forums, so it’s what I go with.

I was going to take all my characters over there - now I just won’t bother. That benethic gear grind does not interest me a bit.


You don’t raid, you don’t do M+, and you don’t do PvP. Why do you need a 415 weapon to do world quests?


Character progression?

Why would getting a 415 weapon be bad?


Yup. Whatever the ilvl, some of us (most of us?) need that carrot to chase. If the rewards are the same, or less than, what I already have, then I have no reason to do it on more than one character, and little reason to do it even the first time (though I like some story too).

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Why does what I do, or do not do or what I have or do not have matter in any way shape or form to you unless we ever meet with war mode on or in a bg or arena?


Last point from me … the second item reward in the zone is 385 azerite gear, so why a 370 weapon?


It is idiotic to open your shiny new patch, the largest one ever, which some Youtubers believe is critical to saving the game, with a useless quest reward. That’s the kind of “thinking” that led to this being perhaps the worst expac in WoW history.

You know, I really wonder who is running the game anymore. Literally anything would be more useful than a 370 weapon.


Just my opinion but the feeling I get over the last few years since WoD is the design choices/pruning/etc feel like they are done out of spite of the players with integrity taking the backseat. But that’s just me.


385 azerite gear? Seriously? How is that a reward? It just takes up bag space. I do not have even one alt who can use the trash I am supposed to waste time “earning.”

I feel stupid believing the game would be better with this new patch. It’s just more useless, boring content, tuned far below the gear level of anyone who has been playing.


“The mythic crowd” doesn’t care if you get normal raid tier gear. They were also not the ones waiting to get a 415 weapon from a new patch quest.

Very true.

I have seventeen 120s, and not a single one of them can use a 370 weapon.

Blizzard appears to be preparing for their new game, Bait’n Switch.

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So, if you get a quest reward that is low tier your going to un sub for classic?

That’s pretty ironic. What will you do in classic with those rewards?

This is like when my kids ask for a popsicle, but then get mad because it’s orange and not cherry.


Sounds like the game is finally taking a better direction.


An intro quest reward should NOT be 415. For new toons, this is great- as there are ilvl requirements for war-fronts/raids/higher emissary rewards etc. If you are on a toon that is already geared, just move along and stop whining :roll_eyes:


[citation needed]


But that’s my point. 400 is Heroic Dazar’alor gear-- that we’re getting from emissaries and assaults and not heroic raiding.

What do we need it for if we’re not raiding? None of those world quests are going to kill us at world quest ilevel gear.

This is my issue with things and I’m actually glad that the intro quest doesn’t reward something that high. But I know this isn’t a popular mindset.


We don’t. Makes sense to me that a 415 weapon you get for doing nothing was nerfed.


It is the INTRODUCTION quest reward. Stop acting like the very first quest you do in a new content update is going to reward you with top tier gear!


The real travesty is it’s not even a new skin for the zone. It’s reusing a warfront skin. I thought dropping tier was supposed to give the artists more room to make gear?