Nazjatar quest reward weapons

You do know classic isnt handing out raid gear for a 3 min intro quest right?


Agreed, and something other than the honorbound model bow would have been nice. Even with the iLvl drop compared to my Zandalari bow at least it would have been a mog.

I still don’t understand why it’s so hard to grasp, this area obviously wasn’t intended for a freshly boosted 120 toon.

I’m pretty sure the 370 weapon was more for the mog if anything, they literally gave those away prior to 8.2 and I at least was lacking that coloration of the axe.

No a bug was fixed after the final testing version was pushed and before the paltform went live and did not include that in any patch notes.

Learn about what you speak if you’re going to correct people. You fix problems before a platform goes live or you DOCUMENT THAT CHANGE IN THE INFORMATION THAT COMES WITH THE RELEASE. Not in a half arsed ‘oops…did we do that’ reply that has to be fished for. And you most certainly do not change “a cherry on top” item that has your end users excited because they already know about it without some big flashing letters.

People watching streamers is part of the gaming ecosystem and any company that allows this to happen over and over needs to reassess how they handle the information being pushed out to their players. This “hur da hur streamers are dumb” does not work with blizz themselves referring to and having them come to blizz events and convos.

*edit was for poor spelling

Yeah, uh, the ‘can’t wait till classic’ thing is a line someone like me should be spouting, not someone who can’t even handle Nazjatar grinding and not getting a free weapon.

I agree they need to work on their non existent communication but if you were to play wow for a long period of time you’d know that probably won’t change and would’ve expected it in the first place so you didn’t get your hope up.
As far as the streamers go, they aren’t employed by blizzard/activision so I doubt they’d share their choices with them let alone them playing a beta version of an update and like they’ve said many time “subject to change”. Also like I said before if a participation reward is the one and only reason why you’d return then I’d rethink the game you want to play as you can get your moneys worth elsewhere lol.

They never experienced vanilla, they just watched the streamers hype it up and that’s the reason why the meme basically arose. “I can’t wait for classic”, lol I can’t wait for the whining on forums when it’s released, probably won’t even make it to lvl 60 in the first place let alone get any gear for raiding.

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Overjustification effect in action. By over rewarding people you reduce their intrinsic motivation to perform tasks. Instead they are conditioned to expect reward and at an increased level.

Which is why you get responses like the one you received from Lasin. The content is no worse than was in the game 6 years ago, and in fact there is more content available, and a lot of it is easier yet people aren’t happy with it.

Because the content is crap, if the content was fun in the least people wouldn’t be doing things for the reward. This game is supposed to be fun - tell me where the fun is that you waste 3 hours doing a stupid follower quest because they decided a 10% drop rate is good enough when there are little to no mobs.

It’s just the systems that have changed and how the game conditions players. It’s all wrong.
Yet because those people don’t understand what is happening and simply think “I must not be getting rewarded enough” they fight back and protest in favour of the current rewards that are affecting their experience so negatively.

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You can look at their armories and generally tell if they genuinely can’t wait for Classic or are just following the meme.

Good on them either way, Classic was genuinely better than BFA currently is, but the logic from that post in particular is…‘questionable’.

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Yeah I know most of them only ever did lfr throughout their entire raid history and I still can’t wait to see all the salt/tears about classic being too difficult to gear in at least. I wonder if I should go alliance so I can corpse camp people as a rogue or horde though, I think most will be playing horde.

Is this bait and switch?

415 -vs-370 lol

Anyone want to buy a used water strider?


Good job there is a scaling reward system that can get you up to 360 ilvl before participating for the 370 then right?

You can skip lfr/norm/heroic raid gearing from doing world quests/warfronts and get up to a 400-410 ilvl, takes like a month or two probably but you can.

This whole thing kind of reminds me of how the Diablo big announcment was hyped for blizzcon… only to arrive to see the Diablo Immortal, mobile game announced… “you all have phones dont you!”… lol

Blizzard hasn’t been known for their communication in like…a long time.

Was actually surprised at the number of dev watercoolers and just general articles by people like Greg Street back in Cata when I was fishing around for some old news.

There was actually a back and forth and behind the scenes view of “this is what we did (or are doing) and this is why we believed it was the way forward”
Even if they didn’t make the right choice at least they gave us reasoning for how they came up with that solution.

Just wait till people realise Benthic gear can’t upgrade to 430 anymore…

I really couldn’t care about diablo but yeah just another example, it’s funny how people think they’ll change and listen to their customers.

You do know patch notes are the cliff note, high level summary of whats changing and not an exhaustive list of all code changes to the game right?

There is no patch note update because its not a change to the live game.

You can be bitter all you want that you dont get a free mythic BoD wep for logging in.


Hey I just read online somewhere that tidepods were healthy for you, must be true if it’s on the internet.

I’m glad to see I wasn’t the only person to think about this. I saw a weapon reward… WOOT! Let’s see what it looks like! :smiley: Only to be followed with: Hey… I already have this look. :confused: I was hoping for lots of naga-themed gear all over the place.

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Again, please be more informed on what you speak of.

I’m annoyed that friends I had drawn back had a negative experience literally minutes after starting on this. A negative experience that resonates very strongly with many of the reasons they left in the first place. I on the other hand am already at 415 and did not need the weapon. I suppose the +5 Ilvl might have been nice however It’s small beer from my personal perspective of gearing and you would have known this had you bothered to look.

Also you might have read what I wrote and not what you wanted me to have written.

The problem is allowing such miscommunication on a reward that near on to 100% of the player base would be getting. Not some random vendor that does not like havoc demon hunters or an item acting in an unexpected way on one encounter where it is rarely used. A quest reward that will be seen by effectively your entire player base. I don’t expect to see every change, something that will be seen and has been broadly talked about by your users and that they are excited for is definitely something that an effective QA and communication team would have been sure was right.