Nazjatar quest reward weapons

None of these people know how mmorpgs work that’s the point, they think because they pay the same 15$ an hr as someone playing 8 hrs a day when they complain they have a job and can’t even get past lfr. Seriously it all comes down to priorities, if you can’t clear mythic raid content on a 2-3 day schedule for like 2-4 hrs a day and have a job you need to rethink them.

New 120s in fresh 280 gear will be slaughtered there.

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On patch release? No.

Rewards from emissaries and WQs were nowhere near 395-400, they weren’t increased to that level until around the release of 8.1.5.
Darkshore was 400 after the release of BoD IF it was available to your character at the time (which Alliance got first) and even then you had to be lucky enough to get a weapon from it out of a potential 16 other drops.

We are talking about a guaranteed weapon reward that people expected at normal raid level, before the raid was even released.
I’m sorry, but that’s beyond being hopeful. It’s being unrealistic.

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To be honest I’m glad they nerfed the ilvl of the weapon, participation rewards are disgusting and the rewards lose their value, ilvl doesn’t mean much anymore and some casual player getting a 415 ilvl weapon doesn’t affect me either but just watching you guys suffer because you didn’t get a 415 weapon for logging in for 30 minutes is hella entertaining.

New 120s are going to live for about 5 seconds unless they’re in a carry raid group.

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I just got a 395 weapon just days ago in what’s now old (world) content.

Going backwards makes no sense.


These threads have indeed made work less boring.

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You both fail to grasp what I was saying so my apologies if it is unclear.

Allowing those who are providing information to your community based on your testing environment to spread bad information is the issue. The reward is actually a bit low imho (should be 385) for the place it is in but that’s not the issue.

A failure in your QA to identify that a reward that will be gotten by close to 100% of your active player base was hyped up by the people that “top level feed” quite a bit of information into that same player base.

Yes it is the PTR and things change. This has been talked about for several weeks now by people that the Devs say they follow. If you do not correct such information it is viewed as endorsement of same, especially when that information is accurate throughout the entire testing cycle up to and including in the release candidate that was live on the PTR up to launch.

It’s small beer when viewed as “Oh…drat it’s a pretty useless weapon for almost the entire player base but really it’s just one quest that required no effort and was about the story” but is really “we allowed people to make promises for us in an environment that is rife with people unhappy with our ability to communicate in effective fashion and many people believing we simply don’t actually care about the players and/or are actively being bad people for…various nefarious reasons”.

I know this because this is the feedback I’ve gotten from those same friends I mentioned I had gotten to resub. Luckily the patch is good enough to have kept them going and I’m hoping to see a revival in my personal in game community of peeps as a consequence. My most…suspicious and pessimistic friend did ask me “Do you think they thought they needed to offer the weapon for the splash it would make and then decided against that?”.

Ah well as I said the root problem is their QA cycle and how it works. This is a symptom and not the illness.


Hey at least you get your choices of 2 essences if you do the WM quest.

This is just the other 50% of bfa, I doubt they intentionally made this area to be a starting area for fresh 120s, that’s why you have zuldazar/kultiras, warfronts/wq-lfr/norm/heroic raiding and here. Like I said this game has catered to the casual/solo player and this content isn’t meant to be soloed. Which means press “I” and look for others to join.

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QA fixed a bug before live.

Job working as intended.

Players watching streamers hype content or provide reviews amd previews is a player made issue.

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If you’ve played wow you’d know the dev team doesn’t care to keep it’s player base up to day on their decisions so I don’t know why you’re confused as to why this would change in 8.2. Yeah and just like Argorwal said, streamers may promote the game but they aren’t considered at all when developing the game/changes. I feel like you were watching the news or reading an article online and automatically believed it even though it wasn’t thoroughly tested/researched and proven.

I’m there now, as a fresh 382 BM hunter…and 3-4 normal mobs drop my pets below 1/2 health routinely. You take a 280-geared DPS into that, even a 'lock, and let me know how long you stay alive in a mob-crowded area.

I’ll agree with that. My entire thing was just saying that 415 was way too high. I’ll agree 370 might be too low and that 385 would be a better compromise.

As for Blizzards communication: unfortunately it’s not really new so for many of us, it’s not really a surprise either. Might have been a bug, might not have been but I fully agree that their communication does, and for the most part, has been awful for a long, long time.


I received a 370 weapon on my ilvl 380 druid that already had a 385 weapon from an emissary reward. So not only did they false advertise this, they nerfed it so bad that its worthless for any other players other than fresh 120’s.

I honestly can’t wait for Classic. So dumb…

I don’t remember them ‘advertising’ anything with 415 weapons.

Stop whining.


415 was dumb

But even 370 means crafted Notorious weapons have little value since everyone gets a 370 weapon… even on new alts… meh.

LOL, classic you do know classic is even more of a grind and you literally wait months and months for a meaningful upgrade that is if you raid at all.

Nothing new there, they made profession gear pretty meaningless over the years anyway.

And fresh 280-geared 120s will be lambs led to the slaughter out there, 370 weapon or not.