Naxxramas Achievement Rewards to Remain Available Throughout Wrath Classic

You seem to care, that’s why you’re here. Why do you care if they are available after P2 launch?

I don’t give a crap about the achievement itself, but rewards like the dragons and titles should be chase things that are available when they are relevant.

Scarab lord is cool because it’s an achievement people worked for in the past. Same with ZA bear. Same with Olympic pet. And the same should be for the Naxx dragons and titles, as they were originally.

Edit: At the end of the day it’s whatever though. As someone on the fence about continuing to play WoW after wrath classic, this is not a good sign about the design direction for the future, for me. Is what it is.


Wow dude lol, I know retail is garbage but dang man, you are really mad about it. Might want to seek some help, you are projecting real bad.


100% if they’re gonna trash the achievements we did like that, Give me my Scarab lord title for going through that chain quest, and i want my black qiraji mount as well !

if they want to keep it in game it should be required for players to clear it without a single piece of gear above naxx gear, like they are planning for algalon


First of all, flagged. Second, I just want my scarab lord.


Which dev member couldn’t get immortal?



Flag DN

You mean the date it accomplished that’s on the achievement?

read above.

well, is it yours if you don’t have it? :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

personally, i’d support all other unobtainables made obtainable again, BUT… let the people who were around for scarab lord when it was current content, and dealt with the stress/prep when it was current content have their trophy.

it was a choice to roll on a fresh wrath server (meaning wrath timeline), and it was a choice to not play when it was possible to obtain the title/mount.

Edit: to note, scarab lord was a LOT harder to obtain than these achievements, so no one come at me for that. the time people had to bang these achievements out vs getting scarab lord ALONE makes the mount/title a lot more prestigious. it deserves to stay rare.

It’s the only meta achieve reward they ever removed, I don’t care if it stays in for people to get whenever.


I have them so idc that much, but I preferred the idea that it should have been done with a maximum ilvl like Herald of the Titans.

In fact, any glory should have been done that way, removes the challenge part of it when you overgear the encounter.


It’s the opposite. Because Scarab Lord was so limited, it needed way more time to get.

This forum needs to allow us to nominate the best comment or give gold like reddit lol

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Incorrect. It was designed to be a short term obtainable. It was designed to be finished only with support from your guild/faction. It was not designed to be put on farm for an entire expansion after the fact.

Always interesting to see people that only like things when other people can’t have them. I wonder what psychological issues this stems from.

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Well neither was Immortal / Undying, yet here we are. Equality for all titles and mounts.

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Not gonna lie, This aged like fine milk

Zul’Aman Bear Mount | 2008-05-12 15:50 | Tigole

Once [Wrath of the Lich King] goes live, you will no longer be able to obtain the Zul’Aman bear mount by saving all 4 prisoners in the timed run. The Bear Mount will be replaced by a very good, epic item that is level appropriate for people doing the zone. To be clear, the Zul’Aman bear mount is supposed to be an item of very high prestige. We want players who have earned it during the appropriate era (aka before the level cap gets raised) to be recognized for their accomplishment. We have absolutely no problem with higher level players (above level 70) going back and doing Zul’Aman after Wrath of the Lich King is live. We just want to preserve the accomplishment of having saved all 4 prisoners at the intended difficulty level.


Thanks, these achievement should have been personal anyways. Always some silly mistake made by someone else wasting my time in getting Undying etc

also incorrect. on the achievement, it doesn’t say “you have to do this before xyz date/time”. blizzard chose to remove it, that’s all.

with scarab lord, you had a specific amount of time dependent on your server (war effort supplies), followed by the ten hour war. that’s it. that is how it was designed. it was not kept in for the entirety of AQ 20/40 and then suddenly removed because blizzard decided to remove it.

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Imagine thinking Classic WoW achievements are worth more than participation trophies.

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so boring.