You still have to do the thing you know.
Someone else doing something after you doesn’t negate your accomplishment.
It’s so interesting to see how unhinged people become over these things.
You still have to do the thing you know.
Someone else doing something after you doesn’t negate your accomplishment.
It’s so interesting to see how unhinged people become over these things.
Gatekeeper mentality. They can only enjoy things if others can’t have them too. It’s quite weird to see fully grown adults with this mental behavior.
I don’t see any problem with everyone having those mounts, as long as I also get the chance to get other mounts I missed on.
As a general rule of thumb I really dislike fomo style gaming. If I were to make a game you would always be able to obtain everything forever assuming you went and did the necessary task.
Just another thing on the list of 100000 reasons I would never play Modern WoW where there are a million unobtainable things in the game.
That sucks…
This decision takes away the special value those mounts have had. It takes all the fun out of actually getting those meta mounts and titles!
Why would anybody put effort into a game, if in the end, everybody gets the spoils for what basically amounts to for free?
If those mounts and titles are kept in the game, that’s ok, but then they should at least be tied to item level, meaning that if anybody in the raid wears an item over 226, the raid can’t get the achievements necessary for the meta mount or title.
Or just make achievements account wide, so that alts get the same 310% mounts as the mains do…
There were so many options to make this change in a sensible way without pissing off more than half of your subs @Blizzard. But unfortunately, you chose the second worst way to implement it (the worst being just sending the mounts and titles to everyone).
No participation trophies! This is a matter of principle.
this xpac is turning into a big time waste, so easy for casuals now.
Make the game fun, there is reasons why ques were so big and you had to lock some servers because the game was popping. Now you’re going to ruin the game again for what some casual players who cant beat content. Thats what made wow fun, working hard finding pugs or good players to be the best. Now you’re catering to the casual once again ruining a great game.
@blizzard if you ever listen to your true players you’d understand why you’re losing money year over year
Hold those memories in your heart dearly
Wont ever find that in any of these expacs anymore
Thanks for confirming this Blizzard. I am only a few “easy” achievements away and really appreciate the heads up (I was in a panic mode to actually get this done this week/next week).
To all the haters out there, sorry you couldnt piss in every working adults cherrios.
Since so many people are whining, why don’t blizz bring back all gladiator titles and mounts while they are at it too. Funny how people only whine about pve titles and mounts only and not pvp titles and mounts. Yall want the TBC gladiator title and mounts too? xD
There’s 100 000 characters competing for arena, most don’t give a **** anymore cause the gear is gated anyway. I wouldn’t be surprised if there was less than 50k in season 2.
Over a million characters that raid. In comparison to PvE players, No one really ever cared for wow PvP and it’s rewards.
lol someones mad their guild wiped endlessly trying to get Immortal
I have neither of these achievements and i disagree with this change. Give it another phase of ilvl upgrades and this will be easily completed by anyone that tries it, effectively removing any actual achievement for the achievement.
This reminds me when they started selling rank 14 titles again for peanuts. Whats the point of achieving anything if the game starts giving away the only rewards for a fraction of the effort?
I’m very conflicted over this… my guild isn’t the best honestly, but we pushed to make these achievements happen all patch and we finally got it last week. Took lots of planning, recruiting, gearing, and failing just to find out it wasn’t necessary. We could have waited till we had gear that way surpasses what we have now. More time is understandable but the whole point of an ACHIEVEMENT is to show the feat you overcame that other could not. These are the decisions blizzard makes that take away from what the game was. Yes it was fun doing but to be a casual guild that pushed everything to make it happen just to be told there is no prestige at all and people will be able to have the same title and same mount with only doing half the content. Makes my/our gameplay feel much less appreciated. Go ahead add microtransactions too.
Yeah, no issue. This wasn’t the gotcha you thought it was.
You play a video game. Your time is already wasted
This should at least be ilvl capped like Herald of the Titans.
It’s an ontological truth tied to purpose and fulfuillment. You may say that everyone having what you have is acceptable, but eventually you’re going to get rapped on the head with the reality that you have no distinction without imbalance. It’s necessary.
This shouldn’t be a surprise. Blizzard has made it no secret they regret the decision they made all that time ago to remove the metas.
If it takes “months” to build up 10k points, idk what to tell you. Maybe try breaking 1400 in 2s?
Ah yes, because everyone knows that raiding and ESPECIALLY NAXX take the MOST skill… pathetic logic from a pathetic pver