Let me start off by saying this is not another complaining post, I personally like the idea of the trinket system and overall the ideas we’ve been presented coming with naxx.
I’ve seen a ton of people jumping to conclusions about how the system would work and is going to work, but in reality we haven’t seen or heard much of it at all, so it’s doomers jumping to conclusions.
That being said, borrowed power isn’t really a bad thing, it becomes more of a bad thing when there’s multiple different cases of borrowed power. This trinket isn’t going to make you behind or anything, devs wouldn’t intentionally harm alts or go out of their way to ensure you have 100% raid attendance, it’s already been confirmed on twitter that there will be ways to catch up if you are in any way behind OUTSIDE of the raid.
The system overall could have flaws, could be great, no one really knows the depth of it yet and are automatically assuming the worst. As someone who is actively playing this seasonal server with faster raid releases, I’m pretty content with the idea of having a phase bis trinket that isn’t an rng drop. As it stands I’ve gone this many lockouts of bwl without seeing prestors for example.
TLDR; it’s silly to jump to complete negative conclusions and assumptions about a system that hasn’t been fully released yet.
Some additional feedback if any devs actually read the forums;
- I know we’re getting health from the trinkets, but giving like 10-15 stamina more per piece to tier 3 would make it much more viable outside of Naxx. Really is the only thing lacking with t3 considering we’re getting a free tier bonus on our shoulders.
- Buff some of the current datamined items, the eye of nerub for example is a 3 agility increase from aq40 bis to naxx bis, which makes the eye of nerub not even bis if we’re considering the new weapon stones coming with the invasions for ranged hunter.
- Razuvious fight… I truly think if we had the wrath version of this fight where there are MC crystals to press instead of requiring priests, it’d be a good change.
- Curse of Reck; with how warlock tier is looking, warlocks are probably not going to want to press reck (understandably) and a hunter going into the CoR rune really requires that hunter to play Melee or ranged hunter has to drop Resourcefulness to run Hit and Run, which given ranged hunters rotation (as of now) for next phase will also be a significant damage loss. I think the best way to make this work is rework the Improved Hunters Mark talent to make mark last for 5 minutes, and have it apply Curse of Reck.
PvP Feedback: Create a rank 15 push.