Naval Mechanics missing Blast Furnace

Naval Mechanics achievement is missing progress check for Blast Furnace. I have completed the quests required to get it, can purchase it from the vendor but do not have it marked off as completed for the achievement.

This is not a new problem, a previous thread (on which you can no longer post comments or replies) dating back to February of 2018 already exists.

I’m not at the point where I can complete the achievement yet (still need to grind rep to get the last couple), but will continue to post here until the issue is resolved, not just for me - others in my guild have experienced this same issue recently and we have new members returning to the game and being discouraged by all of the bugs and glitches in both old and new content.


Had this same problem back in April (2018) and had a few problems. This is my ticket, as first submitted:

The achievement is not showing that I have received “Blast Furnace”, which I completed in the basic quest line for the shipyard. I have a “Blast Furnace” upgrade in my backpack now as proof of completion.

This was my follow-up because I attended Derek Zoolander’s school:

The name of the achievement is “Naval Mechanics”. I believe I incorrectly entered “Naval Equipment” when the ticket was opened.

This was the GM response:

Hello there [my name]!

I am Game Master Llirdray, at your service. Hope you’re doing really well! Thanks so much about being so patient with the wait time on your ticket, by the way. We recently had a ton of tickets come in and are working very hard to get the wait times down as quickly as possible. In the meantime, since you put in lots of information about what happened in your ticket, I was still able to investigate. :slight_smile:

Thank you very much for bringing this issue with that achievement to our attention! I know just how annoying something like that can be, especially when it can hold up your progress. It looks like we have reports of this from other players, so I’ve added your report to the list to assist our Quality Assurance team in investigating the matter further. Luckily, I could verify you had all the requirements on our end, so I granted you credit for that achievement!

I also wanted to let you know that we have a really nifty “Submit Bug” feature! This feature will send your feedback instantly and directly to our quality assurance team for review. I highly encourage you to use this button to report this issue to our QA department. To use it, simply open the help panel as though you were going to submit a support ticket, then click on “Submit Bug.” :smiley:

I also encourage you to check out our Bug Report forum [link not available] to discuss this issue with other players, as well as fansites like Wowhead and Wowpedia for more information. d(^-^)z

If you have any other questions, or need anything else, just let us know. Thanks again for reaching out to us.

Sadly, there were a “few” problems with how they responded. First, I had purchased but had not turned yet turned in the quest item for the final piece of equipment (one of the reputation required items purchased from the vendors in Vol’mar/Lion’s Watch). Because what they did was simply “grant” me the achievement, the next time I logged in the quest item was gone and the quest was removed from my log. I lost the reward from the quest, the quest count towards all those “do more quests” achievements, and I was unable to get a screenshot of the actual achievement on completion (which again - if you have problems with Blizzard, document EVERYTHING!).

Yes, I got the achievement. But was dumbfounded as to why a simple request to get ONE part of a bugged achievement corrected could be so poorly mishandled. Be very careful about what you ask for when submitting a ticket.


You already know the story, but I’ll post it here so people won’t be scared off by Travelagency :stuck_out_tongue:

I had completed all of the quests (turned in the last piece of equipment so the only unchecked part on the achievement was Blast Furnace). I submitted a ticket, was online when a GM contacted me, switched to a different character so the GM could fix it, et voilá, done deal. Best customer service response I’ve ever gotten from Blizzard. It doesn’t have to be a nightmare, but those Blood Elves always make things so complicated.


I would like to chime in that this is still a bug as of Nov. 2019. The response to my ticket told me to bring it over the bug forum. Hopefully with the Shadowlands revamp coming soon, that will put a small bit of urgency on getting this fixed.

Glad some of you guys got the achievement granted at least. I put in a ticket several days ago and got a response to read the Wowhead page for the achievement (which says its a Blizzard bug). I put in a follow-up ticket so hopefully they will retroactively grant me it but I must have gotten a lazy GM.


Hello all! I put in a bug report last week about ‘Naval Mechanics’ being unattainable and mentioned that reading Wowhead only shows that this achievement has has many problems over the years.

It really is irritating having something like this hanging around. Think of all the people that would suddenly get an achievement they hadn’t planned for if blizzard did a proper fix for this!

This is still an issue. I put in a ticket and blizzard said to check Wowhead and a GM could not grant me the achievement. Not sure what to do now. This is the only piece left for the achievement. Any suggestions?

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I got mine fixed after putting in the second ticket. It’s outrageously frustrating that support points you to wowhead either knowing full well it doesn’t have the answer or worse not bothering to look at all. I imagine it isn’t the GMs fault… My guess is blizzard does not have enough support staff. But it really sucks for their customers. My advice would be resubmit and try again.

I submitted this ticket, but they sent me into the labyrinth of ticketing systems and self-service sites:

The achievement Naval Mechanics cannot be completed, because the Blast Furnace never gets registered. I noticed this with my main (Anluanius) and just now did this with an alt (Mischiff).

The problem looks to be caused by the fact that you don’t (can’t) right-click on the recipe to “learn” it – because, since y’all made the change where you made most quest items not show up as regular inventory items, it no longer appears in your bags when it’s picked up.

Unlike all the other naval equipment, this one is part of a tutorial-style quest regarding naval equipment.

I believe you have a few alternatives to fix this:

  1. Unflag the blast furnace recipe from being a quest item, so that it sits in the regular inventory and can be right-clicked to learn. This means you also would have to change the completion conditions of the quest Equipping Our Fleet (quest ID 39675 for Horde; 39666 for Alliance). This doesn’t help anybody who’s already completed this quest, for finishing the achievement.

  2. Change the post-turn-in script for the Equipping Our Fleet quest to properly register the Blast Furnace in the Naval Mechanics achievement. This also won’t help anybody who’s already completed this quest.

  3. Make it so that anytime somebody purchases a Blast Furnace from Kronk Rustspark or Salty Jorren, a script runs to register the Blast Furnace in the Naval Mechanics achievement. This relies on the purchasable logic to act as a gateway, which is reasonable (you can’t get the achievement if you can’t buy the Blast Furnace). This approach means anybody who’s already finished the quest can finish the achievement by spending 500 garrison points.

The first two options would require a database query to register Blast Furnace for the achievement for everybody who’s unlocked it on their Naval Equipment vendor. I imagine this would be scheduled to run as part of your Tuesday morning maintenance window.

This is still bugged and blizz is still auto-replying to read wowhead.

I just put in a second ticket, because they marked the first one as resolved and won’t let me reopen. This is what scams feel like, not legitimate games.

I’ve put in 3 tickets now. 2 weeks ago, 1 week ago, and 4 days ago. I just got my final rejection notice 4 minutes ago. All have given me the standard “resolved”, go to all these unrelated websites, and won’t you please take this survey to tell us how great we are?

I’ve tried everything I can think of. At this point, I just feel like they know it’s a bug but making people wait 4 days for a “go away” response is easier.

Very frustrating. Especially since I tried to fix this one last year too.

This is still bugged. I have just experienced the same thing. Everything updated for the Naval Mechanic achievement except for the Blast Furnace update. Since this has been going on for such a long time, can you please push through all the achievements for those who have earned them.

Sorry, accidentally posted that under my alt. This guy [Zokondar] is the character the bugged Naval Mechanic happened on. All the same, can we please get this bug fixed/resolved at long last?

Feb 2023, long past when this issue was first noticed. Bug is still there, I am unable to get my achievement because of blast furnace, which i turned in years ago. Opened a ticket and was told to submit a bug report, which clearly many other people have already done. Very frustrating!

Dutifully submitting a bug report as suggest by GM. I have completed everything but cannot get credit for Blast Furnace.

July 2024 and still no fix for this achievement. I opened a ticket years ago and they told me they were aware of the issue and were working to fix it, so I had to wait.

A couple days ago I opened a new ticket and get the exact same reply to submit a bug and hope for the fix.

What I don’t get is that they know of this issue and that it’s been around for years and instead of granting us the achievement so we can move on with our lives they expect us to just submit the bug report. Blizz support has really been downspiraling for years

I have had this issue for several years (playing on EU server) and tried to report it before without getting resolved.
According to this issue should have been fixed in the new TWW pre-patch ( July 24th 2024, but I still have this issue.
I have even created a new support ticket in-game and on support.

I can confirm that today I got the achievement after installing the new patch
I hope this was resolved for you all as well.