Nature Magic and shapeshifting

What’s stopping a druid from shapeshifting into… Practically anything? I know that druids usually revere a totem/wild god that allows them to take form of said totem/wild god, but could a druid be able to change anything regarding their physical appearance while still staying in their casting form? For example, could a night elf be druid be able to change the shape of their ears, their face shape, their body type, etc. using nature magic?

I might be wrong, but didn’t some of the original ZA bosses have partial transformations like that? Seems like it would be possible for Druids in that case.

You’re asking it wrong. What would allow them to shapeshift into any shape not ganted by a totem?

Need some Immortal Hulk style body horror with Druid shapeshifting. Imagine getting interrupted mid-shift and you end up as some mangled abomination of flesh.

It seems that by being in nature for a long time grants some permanent changes to your body, Malfurion being the biggest example of that, but others like Broll also had permanent effects.

The shape shifting though, It is confusing for me, like, there is implication that the forms are granted by the wild gods, Like at one point in legion the flight form was locked because the legion was doing something with an idol of aviana or something? But at the same time, bear form supposedly comes from ursoc, and ursoc bit the dust for good, so either druids can turn into a bear on their own, or the process of a wild god granting power is permanent even if the source of power is gone or bear forms now have been granted by another bear wild god and that was never explained.

And then we have the duck druids of last year holiday event, is he tied to aviana?

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I assume that there’s massive risks to tapping into the spirit of whatever animal if you don’t have a wild god/loa or trained druid teaching and guiding you.

The forebears of the Worgen were druids trying to tap into the fury of the wolf and even Malfurion wasn’t capable of safely harnessing it without going insane.

What happens if you pick an animal with strong overpowering instincts or is so natively stupid or content that it affects the druid’s mind and they just never snap out of that form? Or if they pick a form tied to a WG/Loa that was killed or corrupted in a way that broke their other worshippers? Not many druids in Boar or Harpy form, after all.

There might also be a lot of unexplored forms that some druids use that are wildly useless for murderhobo adventurer druids but have places for other druids who are on environmental cleanup/inspection duty.