Nathrian Weaponmasters

Same problem here. 298 Anima Spherule and I can’t redeem it. I went from incredibly happy to incredibly frustrated in the span of 10 minutes.

same on my druid, got the 298 Mystic anima spherule weapon token from weekly and cannot buy the staff. L vendors

Same here. I can’t buy my shield and the automatated response sent me here and to wow head…like how is that an acceptable response to a freaking ticket to something they pushed on us like. I hope they get it soon before they go to waste for Blizzard really needs to pick up their darn game on this.

They sent me a new token in the mail and it worked. Bought a 298 right after from the vendor after it not working at all previously.

Not sure if its fixed in general or you need to make a ticket.


I am having the same problem, plz fix it blizzard. Thank you

same issue, blizz fix your game anytime soon?

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I’ve made a ticket late Tuesday about this and have not heard from blizz at all. It’s getting a bit ridiculous…

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Same thing on this shaman with a offhand 298, it’s hard to beleive this is not fixed yet.

Same issue for me. Got it on Tuesday, been checking each day to see if it has been fixed. Two days later still not fixed it seems. I have Ilvl 298 Abominable Anima Spherule and I’m Kyrian.

Same problem here for me. 298 offhand bead dropped, cannot turn it in to any vendor for any item (checked them all) . Put a ticket in to blizz. It has been 2 days, no response. Wait time for response has actually GONE UP. Soooo…yeah, I really would like the item since I did the work to earn it. I am a night fae druid.

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Got a response from a GM today. They hotfixed the vendors. He removed the token from my bag and sent a new token via in game mail.

They did not hotfixed noting, I guees they need to send a new token to everyone to the mail.

Nothing is hotfixed, i just logged on and tried it, how ridiculous that this is still going on this long?

Same issue here. 298 staff, please fix this bug blizzard!

Open a ticket, they will take your token and mail you another one and it will work. Def not a hot fix but at least you can get your weapon.

Well I just opened the email and the token still does not work!

Really? Did they mail you a new one and it didn’t work still? If so, sorry about that man, it did work for me and other’s

Yup. Mailed me a new one, still not working. I am about to say F this game.

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I opened up a ticket on Tuesday, finally received a response today. GM had to delete the Spherule and send me one that works. I can confirm the replacement one works. Open up individual tickets y’all

same here, opened a ticket but no response