Nathria raid

Since we are getting a Dracula themed raid… any chance we could get a 1 handed sword model that’s actually a chain whip?
Even if it’s a legendary we have to craft, it would be great… :x


It so reminds me of Ravenloft mixed with Soul Reaver… that if I don’t get a curvy blade with a skull on the guard or some sort of nod to Strahd von Zarovich >_>

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There better be some sort of reference to him!

Can there be a vampire obsessed with throwing glasses of wine?

I’ve been wanting to see more flail-type weapons in this game ever since they proved they could do it with warrior/paladin artifact skins.

That or that one weapon from Bloodborne. It turns into a whip. They got the idea from a movie called Brotherhood of the Wolf.

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Yeah that. I just wanna see them try something new. They can do flail weapons in Legion. Lets see some more of that.

They could do something like the one from the Old Hunters DLC too.

I mean I wouldn’t mind a sword like the ones Lady Maria uses. Or that one she threw down a well.

that raid is gonna suck… get it? because it has vampires.

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No…you cannot have one Ghost Rider, I’m sorry. Just be happy you have an eye patch option for your helm.

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Venthyr is going to be the most popular covenant by far, lol.

Wow, didn’t notice the name until you said that.

Sticks and stones may break my bones but chains and whips excite me… yes let’s do this + 1.