wow that really makes my day, im gonna have to resub now
add me toks#1679
Ye! What server are you and everyone playing on? I’m on Stalagg with some other friends, but it would be awesome to be on the same server with some of the old Nath crowd <3
I have no clue where everyone is going to play. Right now it seems like everyone is scattered across different servers or simply unable to get on a server.
whats your gamertag so we can reconnect
Indeed, where is Cortez.
Posting on here out of curiosity.
Pretty sure I played with Zed at some point and Zingil. Undead rogue.
Mephitic, think I ended up in Apocalypse Now. It’s been like 15 years I can’t remember! I also played on Clobberfist, orc rogue.
Poj reporting in. I can lead you to them. #poj1158
Do you remember doing 2s with a paladin called Poj?
Looking for Grolm and Ladydoldrums
I"m trying to come and find you. add me lalo#1171
Hey, it’s Mursalis! I just made a new account a couple of days ago, lost my old account (long story). Haven’t played since 2008! A lot has happened since then. Anyways, thinking about checking out Classic WoW, maybe some pre-Windfury nerf 2H Shaman PVP, re-live the glory days of lotto one shots. Have you checked out Classic yet? I’ll hold off on rolling my new toon until I find out what server you’re on, if you are.
Cheers buddy!
I was also in Crimson Cross during those days
Magorr, Orc Shaman 60
Cortez is Horde on Skeram under the name “Cortez”. Tabula & I are going to find him out there and give him a big high five from the Alliance side.
Cutter orc warrior/Corrupted undead priest
Vanilla guilds (that I can remember)
Frostreavers (all orc)
Nine Devils
Strength in Numbers (joined early BC)
My brother is Meatboss
Finnegan, Druid with Served -> Dark Apocalypse -> spending my retirement days as an Arathi Basin solo queuer extraordinaire.
Haven’t really played since wotlk but druiding it up again on Sulfuras now in my spare time between all these damn life responsibilities I didn’t have in the glory days. Just thought I would pop by this thread to say hi!
Woo! How’s the fam?
Oh hey dude, missed your post! Guess I should also have included Nerf These in my guild list
I am no longer with who I was when I played back in the day but am for sure a family man now, married with two kids about to turn 7 and 3! Pretty surreal to be back in vanilla as a 30 something with kids, but literally all of my best gaming memories are from vanilla on Nath so I had to give classic a go. Hope things are well with you!
Mageyadie, UD Mage
Looking for all my old PvP buddies.
Neofusion, where you at?
I got Zaza with me