Nathrezim Horde Reconnections

Oh hi everyone. I remember some people here. Just wanted to say hi.

Camilly - Undead priest
Camski - Undead DK
Rajin - Troll Hunter

Octechx Day 1, LVL 60 Resto Druid, Violent Tendencies, Sanity, Synergy, Fallen,House of Eldarie, Critical Mass. Where my OG druids at.?

Og druid in the house

Played a Tauren Warrior I think my name was Aes, my cousins Cephia and Jezparia were better known and raided with Occam’s Razor. Can’t remember many old names from back then but yea anybody from nath hit me up I’m Fumsk On Faerlina.

HOLY CRAP PWNBOT! We used to wreck kids in AV. I was holyyargle the shadow priest.

I’m playing with some other guys from Nath on Skeram if you want in.

Thats awesome hahahahah… I remember those days!!! ADD ME itztricky#1314

  • Niretwo - Feral Druid (obviously Tauren)

  • last guild I remember is Para Bellum, which went well into WotLK

I had a lot of friends, none of whom I remember, unfortunately. Hoping people will remember my name more than anything!

Planning on playing on Herod, since Nath isn’t in the server list.

Wow, Sanity, that’s a name that I haven’t heard in a long time, all of those guild names stuck in my head, you must’ve done a LOT of raiding!

I think I played with you, name and guild definitely sound familiar

Fliegeneule Tauren Hunter Guild: Siege
(I Still have youtube footage of some of our progress attempts lol)
Lamer Guild: Sanity
I Think i remember @Zarad but it would have been from TBC

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Man, I recognize a lot of names on here!
Taloni, Tauren Shaman. Guild was Fury

15 year this feels good to think about fun times back then.

Tsar Orc shaman, I think Months Behind was a guild I was in

Looking for Anmor and Kyrothix.

-Grolm and LadyDoldrums


Character: Stewker
Race: Orc
Class: Warrior

Soooo I played early to middle Vanilla on Nath. Was in Frostreaver Clan, MIR (MUR?), Fury, Order of the Black Thorn, and maybe one or two more? I’m sorry but it’s been so long! Would love to reconnect with some of you! Fuuuuun times! Was some drama, lol, but that’s MMOs. More UBRS, ZG, MC, and Ony runs please! ^.^

those are some names i remember
im megadose

Megadose resto druid checking in

Megadose! Grolm and I were just talking about you today.

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I remember your name. I think we were in MUR together pre-Fury days. :slight_smile:

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for real!? thats so dope! yea i was in MUR and fury, gotta get in discord i didnt think i would ever hear grolms voice ever again yet i remember it like yesturday

Not kidding. We have very fond memories of you. You were hilarious.

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