The “creative” (i use the term creative extremely loosely here) staff at Blizzard ruined Horde for me.
Nathanos is a legend, easily one of the greatest WoW Characters. We’ll never get another like him again, sensitivity readers will make sure of that.
Loved Horde when it was Thrall
When it was Garrosh
Didn’t even mind Sylvanas although I would have preferred Voljin for longer.
But then the whole m’dark lady you’re oh so strong and only you see the truth stuff was pretty blah.
He was cool in vanilla when he was a raid boss Alliance had to kill and handed out Horde quests and was grumpy. When he became a huge simp is when he became awful.
Nathan was kind of amusing in small doses. It’s nice to have an NPC that’s not constantly fawning over the mighty hero. They kind of ruined that by making constantly fawning over Sylvanas instead.
I think the only time I was actually irritated by the character was the drubbing down he gives us during the count down for Seething Gorge. Coach, we’re trying to win this thing, how about some positivity.
Based on earlier comments the people that don’t care for Nathanos were fine with him in Classic… it was when the character’s personality was completely changed to be Danuser’s in-game avatar that people started disliking the change (and the character from that point to his in-game death).
I couldn’t stand him either, but it was kind of funny listening to Tyrande and Jaina drag him during BoD and the Warfront. And it was weirdly nice to hear him bossing me around one last time during Siege keys this season.
“Lady Ashvane has a KRAKEN???” Gee I wonder where she got that, genius
I was hoping Sylvanas would brush him off when he showed up in the Shadowlands. I wanted the last we saw of Nathanos to be him crying in Torghast.
Danuser’s fanfic self-insert was the finest character warcraft ever had, and you know it.
Why I bet he’d wear a blue surgical mask around in public if sylvanas told him to.
Odd this would show up as an admission 6 1/2 years later. something else triggered this and I’m curious what it was. What did the horde do to you today?
i liked nathanos because he was the only character on the horde that hadnt been whittled down into a eunuch or just straight up pussified. you want to have a good heel character, thats what made characters like garrosh so memorable. you just don’t get characters talking mad crap like they used to. rastakhan’s speech in bod was pretty amusing
To me the worst thing was just that guy who never did anything in his lives would treat me, multi universe-scale menace killer and multi universe-savior, worse than an Alliance lapdog. And I couldn’t just burn it to ashes. Same for any “hero” or leader anyway, those mary sues. What did Sylvanas do to earn whatever she had already ? I didn’t like the your character = HERO" thing, but it didn’t mean I’d enjoy the exact opposite. We were just passengers of Sylvanas’s foly at the time, and it was at the price of other leaders’ story and character.
Nathanos was just madenning for no reason but edge, and the constant reminder the game’s keys were given to a guy whose place was in an asylum. I deleted my Hordies after I had levelled them, and Nathanos was the key factor to it. 100% lore breaking. Golden didn’t do much better, but at least Anduin was a good guy to me. And Jaina’s new look was so
Not much to do, not many good threads, sunday’s remnants, and the BFA meta achiev maybe ?
He was rude. I prefer when NPCs treat my like the god amongst mortals that I am.
I was recently reminded by a WoW Council Member that we are simply the “avatar” of the Champion, and not the Champion itself. Plus, what sort of universe saving hero are we that we still have to water sheep and kick bugs? We’ve saved the world a hundred times over, yet here we sit waiting to see what next pile of poop we have to rummage through for berries or keys
Y’all are lame. Nathanos was awesome. Just a relentless prick who hated everyone and didn’t mind telling them.
Nah, he looked like Dreamland Krieger.
I don’t know about letting that character ruin your feel for playing the horde, but I could tell you that the voice actor certainly ruined me for that character and actually a lot of BFA, which was already terrible.
But yes, his character was awful, Syl’s lover, how stupid. It’s bad enough the writers ruined, arguably the finest character that this game is ever had, but then to throw that lout in…
The curse of being stuck in an MMO world.
There are always berries to pick and local wildlife to poach.
So I know “Nathanos is Sylvanas’ boy toy” is a common meme among the fandom. But is it actually canon? Please no.
Less boy toy, and more wind up killer toy