Nathanos pre patch cinematic (spoilers)


Except they did.

Again, noone knows what the status is. Assuming it is Horde territory is just that, an assumption.

Keep flailing.

LOL. You were wrong about 8.1 being the end of the Night Elf revenge story yet refuse to admit it. You have this cinematic and information about both factions going into Shadowlands to hunt Sylvanas, but no apparently that doesn’t count in your head.

Yeah, this was addressed. :point_down:

They did what they did because they wanted people to continue playing. If they had come out prior to BfA launch and said “This is going to be MoP 2.0 almost beat for beat.” What do you think would have happened? Hint: the complaints that people have for the story would have been the same but started much sooner.

Blizzard used the term genocide to describe it. It’s been acknowledged as a tragedy.

This is you taking things personally and invalidating any objectivity you may have had.

Which have been addressed.

Which you ignore.

None of your claims you’ve substantiated.

“8.1 is all the Night Elves get for vengeance.”
Proven false by this cinematic and the fact that people are hunting Sylvanas into Shadowlands.

“Devs HATE Night Elves and their players.”
Literally no proof this.

“Sylvanas is going to be redeemed.”
Literally no proof of this.

“The devs think Sylvanas isn’t evil.”
Addressed with the very same quotes you cited. Including a quote that says she is evil. They did what they did to keep people playing. Nothing stated in recent developments make this claim. The game itself portrays Sylvanas as bad.

There you go. You’ve got no argument only, again, headcanon, assumptions and misrepresentations in a sad attempt to support your “claims”. You couldn’t even be bothered to check all your sources which is why you post absurd things like this:

It was in the shortcut. :rofl:

At any rate, even other Night Elf posters (the ones with sound argumentation and worthwhile discussion) aren’t bothered to agree with your extreme take on things.

Yet you refuse to acknowledge it.

You assume she will get a redemption story.

Of course you would. Because you only care about what you want. But good news, that justice for Teldrassil stuff you want had already started happening (see the most recent cinematic).

The cinematic says otherwise.
