Nathanos loot

The same thing happened to me. It was showing that I would be getting a bow but in the end a polearm dropped. But it seems that Blizzard will not fix this for those who got the wrong loot. They are a least enabling those who didn’t get loot to do the World Boss again… Sad for us :frowning:

same i got nothing

So I opened a ticket complaining about the loot issue and the GM’s response was pretty much that I can suck it up because I killed Nathanos BEFORE they fixed his loot table to take loot spec into consideration. Great welcome back after 2 year not playing from Blizzard!

How are they enabling those who didn’t get the loot to do the boss again? Just go and kill it?

just got few minutes ago a one handed sword with my fury warrior in “current specialization (fury)” loot specialization. what can we do?, it’s so annoying?, so many delays and still getting bugs? I feel so happy for not being buyed SL yet.

now, I think Im got stuck with one 2h and one 1h sword right? -.-

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I wish I knew. I had read on another forum that you could go back to the quest NPC and they would hand you the quest again, but that’s not the case. So I literally have no idea what to do.

I did the quest on my resto shaman either Tuesday night or Wednesday morning and got a staff from the cache. While it’s not the worst weapon I could receive, I notice it’s not one of the preferred weapon types for my spec (this is my first time playing a shaman and I’m not sure if this is normal).

This is still happening. I got an aglity staff on my Windwalker/Mistcaller Monk in Windwalker loot spec.

Wouldn’t it be nice if you could choose the weapon you want when you turn in the Nathanos quest instead of random loot? (Like PVP conquest turn-in) I would’ve rather had the staff instead of a sword (no offhands in inventory) on my MW monk. #suggestion