Nathanos is the worst character in the game

Hmm, I actually… kind of like him, and a lot more than Greymane, Gm is just so annoying.


What bothers me is that he’s everywhere. I mean, I know that the Horde has a portal magician now, but if Nathanos is such an important strategist shouldn’t he be delegating his duties to subordinates?
Shouldn’t we be seeing more forsaken field commanders, rather than Nathanos everywhere?

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It’s weird because Greymane is actually my favorite Alliance character.


Nathanos and Greymane are the only characters I am not really fond of.

Yeah. I’d like to see her and her girlfriend Amalia Stone be the new queens of the Forsaken. So, more like Lillian Boss.


She’s bland. Her character has a lot of potential but right now she is very unrelatable. She has very little character flaws aside from “ugh I waited too long to fix the problems my father enabled”
Rastakhan had much more depth, much more internal struggle.

Right now she’s just a generic hero princess, but hopefully that changes since she’s replacing her more emotionally compelling father.


You have them.

Sometimes I hang out on the ship for no reason wishing Nathanos would send me on a long an difficult mission.

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Amen! He’s the new Khadgar


Aethas Sunreaver did nothing wrong.


I think in this scenario Sylvanas is the important strategist. Nathanos is the field commander.

Considering how Sylvanas most likely doesn’t trust many underlings (for good reason), she would most likely really really lean on the few she does trust for important missions.


No, but I think Talanji is mean to be taken unironically.

Aethas’ cowardice is one of the major causing factors in the purge of Dalaran, he’s terrible

Oh I have no doubt about that… sadly lol

Also, this sounds more like usual military tone compared to “Great job hero, you’re the best hero eva” “Impressive, you killed a pig, you’re such a hero” I absolutely detest how childish it sounds everytime you get called a “hero”, even worse, for doing the most mundane things.

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But the problem is the Horde is fighting on several fields simultaneously. They’ve got a warfront in the northern Eee Kay (one), they’re pushing back guerilla forces at the Darkshore (two), they’ve got to defend their new allies in Zuldazar (three), and they’re advancing on Boralus (four). Should they not have four field commanders, then, for the four fields of conflict?
If Liadrin, Mayla, Talanji, and Nathanos were the announcers/commanders for each of those conflicts respectively, it would make more spatial and tactical sense and it would prevent we as the players from getting worn out by seeing the same character too much.

Alliance side suffers a similar problem. Having commands dealt out by Muradin, Umbric, that second war veteran, and Genn would give the game more flavor and help (well, can’t speak for everybody but at least for me) avoid burnout on certain key characters.


I think Nathanos is fun. There’s a sense that he has a grudging respect for the PC and their capabilities simmering just beneath the surface, with some jealousy mixed in as well. Particularly when Sylvanas fangirls over what a great champion you are.

He’s an interesting character that I hope outlives this horrible story.


I think a key point here is that in canon, those fights arent actually going on simultaneously.

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She’s the most Mary Sue Character in this game since Cata Thrall.

But seriously though, I love Nathanos. It’s refreshing not to have an NPC treat you like a soccer mom.


I dunno,

He’s kind of grown on me. I love his snark.

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