Nathanos Deserves It (SPOILERS)

“Wrong. You fail to understand how my drama and tears and spam flagging posts expresses it! …”

That’s all I have seen.

Maybe your lie detector needs maintenance?

He wasn’t “resurrected”, unless you count character development as resurrection. And yeah, he became a proper Dark Ranger, instead of a forsaken regular. Not a big deal.

I wouldn’t call Nathanos an “architect”. He was informed, and was a key executor of the fourth war, but I wouldn’t say he was a key planner at any point. Sylvanas and Saurfang were the key architects.

Yeah, that was hilarious :slightly_smiling_face:

Yeah… hunters. They’ve been doing this crap for god knows how long and it still works in battlegrounds. You trusted the Alliance to remember to double tap? Of course you did.


In the sense that he was suppose to have been dead since Vanilla. I don’t recall seeing or hearing of him at all in any content since then until Legion.

With an entire raids worth of DOTS on him, I don’t think simply using “feign death” at 1% hp would be enough save him. It would’ve been one of those sad cases where the guy feigns death, but you still see the yellow numbers popping up and then suddenly he’s releasing to the GY.

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I dunno where people are getting that nathanos doesnt deserve it he is sylvanas lite, he doesnt care about the horde or forsaken anymore than she did


I liked Nathanos. His attitude was a nice change of pace. But he certainly deserves to die. And his attitude serves to make that death much more satisfying.

Hopefully Sylvanas follows right behind him.


Don’t worry he doesn’t like my topics either.

Bringing Arthas back into the story is one of his greatest beefs.

As for old Nathanos I like his brand of scum its just ashame he ended up on the wrong side of the board with nowhere really left to go unless this is an elaborate ruse to kill himself off in the greater picture of Warcraft so he can stealthily reemerge elsewhere.


Pretty much, yes.

Also it’s going to be fun killing him a second time after he runs off to simp for Sylvanas some more in the Shadowlands.

Here’s hoping for a Gorefiend-in-WoD-esque abomination transformation sequence.

Hard to believe this is going to be anything significant when we are going to the Shadowlands right after and Sylvanas and the Jailer control the Maw, where everyone is going. It seems like just some silly way to get him to be a part of the expansion.


gonna miss nathanos I have to admit

after reading the latest book he really grew on me. i really hope he just gets to slink off quietly at some point, leaving behind a legendary or something wearable with special text.


You my man deserve a place in this place´s history. Deffinittely the literal ideal any MHP poster should aspire to.

I called it about the siamese clowns only posting to get their troll quota since like a year ago, but good to see you people FINALLY see what is in front of your face. I feel vindicated

Says the man defending Self Insert Calia and the supposed “independent buddy” of the ubber ethnicy defender who blows a gasket over the word “mudhut” but is totally ok with defending Calia (the literal poster child of “White Saviour Trope”, such a transparent clownery) boycotting the Forsaken.

Now put one regarding cowboys, those are usually semi decent jokes.


Reminds me of a scene from Kill Bill.

“That woman deserves her revenge. And we deserve to die. But then again, so does she. So, I guess, we’ll see.”


Thanks for the hot take, Elesana, but no. Night Elves didn’t “lose everything”.

I take it you didn’t play BfA, because after WoT Horde lost every battle in the expansion.



Can we stop with this? Literally It get in my nerves seeing this level of hypocrisy and biased blindness from Alliance players toward Horde races that got by far a worst treatment with nothing in return as compensation. Seriously cut that with that self-righteousness bigotry

On Topic, I won’t miss Nathanos but this is a big slap in the face because of all the spotlight he got and took it away from characters that could had used really well on BFA as either build up against Sylvanas(Baine could had developed better rather than just relegate him to “Alliance good, Horde bad”) or given a more prominent role as they are taking the leadership seat, like seriously Rokhan should had been the main character during the whole plot line in Zandalar

However I do think Nathanos is going to return at the incoming Maw Raid(reusing assets for raid is common at blizzard)


I think we can agree that Nathanos needed to die, and im glad that finally it was an Alliance character getting the kill instead of some horde character coming in and taking the kill(looking at thrall).

However it really does nothing for the Horde story as every time they develop new Horde characters they end up going evil. Blizzard have a real issue on their hands as they are killing off all the Old guard the Horde have then replacing them with Alliance Lite characters. They only have a list of B grade characters left with no proper development in sight. Also you have characters like Calia which have more ties to the Alliance than the Horde that don’t feel like Horde characters instead Alliance characters taking over the Horde. Baine is also an issue as he spends more time this xpac planning to surrender, saving Alliance characters and sitting in an Alliance city than doing anything for the Horde.

Blizzard needs to develop Characters like Rexxar, Voss, Rommath character who are primarily horde and not associated with the Alliance at all. GIve them some power boosts and development Like rexxar could tame some Loa or wild gods to fight alongside with and power him up. Voss could become a master of void or shadow magic that allows her to become a more deadly assassin. Rommath could learn to summon the Pheonix like Kaelthas becoming the strongest fire mage.

When you look at the Alliance roster they are rocking freaking demi gods and they are only getting more powerful. Even When they have characters killed like Delryn or Blademaster Telaamon they are specifically B Grade characters created to die.


i think it’s fairly obvious he will turn up. his soul is going to the maw and regardless of how bad things were between them at the end of the novel, I don’t see them passing up the opportunity for “rule of cool”, even if it didn’t make sense

and it totally does here so yea, incoming raid boss probably. this world boss status is only for the pre event so it isn’t like we’ll have two versions or anything weird and wonky like that.

“Still unfair that Tyrande gets the kill!! He should kill himself instead or just fly to the Shadowlands because every bit of positive development after Teldrassil is a bit too much”

No wonder the Alliance always loses.


Umm baine? Zekan, talanji

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if you had read the whole post, you can see why I don’t include those.

Talanji is possibly an outlier but even then she isn’t Horde, she actively kept the Zandalari out. She barely supports what the Horde is. At worse she will end up being killed because she starts attacking the Alliance.

Zekahn is a meme, He isn’t a character and basically has no character no back ground or power. At most he neither good nor bad.

Baine might as well be Alliance at this point. He is a symptom of Golden’s writing where he spends more time trying to convince the Alliance to like the Horde rather than standing for the Horde. it doesn’t help that he has the Princess in a tower syndrome where he is always needing rescuing and half the time its the Alliance rescuing him.


she is horde

is a main horde character in a book

whatever you think doesnt change the fact that he is horde,

Horde character doesnt mean, is evil and mean to the alliance lol.


Elesana, I thought you were leaving this forum.