Nasz'uro Legendary

Why didn’t this get the Ele Sham Artifact treatment? Such a cool model hidden all the time is pretty silly, let it show on your hand while casting please.


no thank you!

Why not? Seems like a cool way to show off the model.

Personally, I just like my dragon not to even show weapons at all.

Cool, then mog it to a different fist wep. Give us the option for it to show :slight_smile:

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It comes out when you use empowers.

Not all the time, and all weapons have that weird interaction where it stays in your hand while Empowering.

I mean it has a special graphic where it appears and then disappears when you empower.

ahh yeah just noticed that, thanks for pointing it out.

would be nice if it were showing all the time though :stuck_out_tongue: