Nasz’uro, the unbound legacy, has melted.
When I first saw the message in chat, I said, “Congratulations to whatever dracthyr got the weapon.” After the second time I wanted to delete my chat for the rest of eternity.
10/10 would steal to use at a future date.
No one except the server-wide system message is saying it.
Akira [happy]
This one isn’t mine so I can’t take credit, but I feel like it also needed to be added to the thread.
The seat of the aspects must be super super super high up or something.
Or maybe nasz’uro is really loud! That would be deafening to hear anywhere close by. Like a whales call.
No wonder nozdormu vision is clouded.
ty may i ask how is this is done the save image did not work for me
Right Click, copy Image Address… Paste.
thank you
of the
Aspects as Nasz’uro, the
Unbound Legacy, is formed.
A Triumphant roar echoes from atop the seat of the Aspects as Nachos, the unbound snack is formed!