
This is definitely a topic that’s been discussed before, but google’s results are giving me a headache. WoW is giving me a headache based on the approach blizzard has taken, somewhat in a reaction to what fans seem to want… I didn’t play WoW for 20 years except once maybe 5 years or so ago for the “free bit” and was completely underwhelmed. I resent WoW because it seems to mean I will never get WarCraft 4. So, I know next to nothing. I decided to finally bite the bullet to find out what happened after Warcraft 3.

Now, I’m confused… there’s “vanilla classic”, seasonal classic, classic cataclysm, retail (yes , yes hardcore). Now I find myself scratching my head. The main difference between vanilla and seasonal seems to be xp and runes and such. Cataclysm appears expanded and has northrend (another reason I think I never played WoW before), but the world is significantly different, e.g. brill went from being a “hamlet” to a fortress. I don’t yet have retail installed. It seems that Wrath of the Lich King was recently (to my misfortune?) retired again. Am I going to miss out on how Brill went from hamlet to fortress? I noticed there’s an intro narrative that explains why a certain demon is no longer in the court of Sylvanas. Which means there’s at least one quest he can’t give you.

I could GAF less about the gameplay, although seasonal definitely seems more fun in classic than just vanilla. I’m not here for the grind. Can someone explain this hot mess of a game to me?

  • Retail is the current wow experience, its where for the most part all new content is introduced.

  • Vanilla, is the term used to identify the original WOW, launched in 2004 and where a version similar to the original was later relaunched in 2019 as Classic and which is now Classic ERA. The original vanilla servers have of course all transitioned to retail long ago.

  • Classic ERA was created when Blizzard moved Classic servers launched in 2019 onto TBC, which later transitioned to WOTLK, and which is now CATA. These servers will never progress and are basically stuck in time with few changes. There is also a HC version of Classic ERA.

  • Classic CATA - is where the current Classic servers have progressed through, following the same progression as vanilla did to retail.

  • Seasonal Classic is a temporary version of the game, though it’s likely they will keep several servers around, where they have taken the Classic ERA servers and changed them in different ways. The servers typically have increase XP, but have a set lifetime of about 2 years before they will be shut down, they will never progress beyond the “ERA” stage.


Kynsa has a good breakdown of what each version is, I’ll try to focus on things more from a story point of view. In summary though, what I think you want is actually the Retail version of the game and to explore what Time Walking has to offer.

WoW was never really heavy handed with its narrative, instead choosing to deliver it loosely through quest and literature scatterred throughout the world. I wouldn’t say there’s any real story in the game until WotLK, which introduced an overarching plotline with Arthas that cultimates in fighting him at Ice Crown Citadel. From this point on WoW started to lean more and more into an expansion sized plot line that was increasingly present as time goes on.

So if you don’t care at all about gameplay and just want story, that automatically excludes…

  • Classic Era - This is the Vanilla version of the game more or less as it was from 2004 to 2006. The story is mostly all just self-discovery and quest text driven.
  • Classic HC - The exact same as above except that if you die, you stay dead.
  • Classic Season of Discovery - A remix, if you will, of Classic Era but there’s a whole bunch of new gameplay stuff you don’t care about. There’s new raids but they don’t contain any story whatsoever, they’re just content to do.

So in the Classic realm (which is the forum you’re posting in, by the way), there’s one more entry, which is Cataclysm Classic. This comes immediately after WotLK and focuses on the story of Deathwing and events that were created to support that. Like WotLK, there’s an overarching plot line and I’d say it’s a little more story driven than anything previous, but it’s still at a cross over time. If you’re looking for a blend of Classic and Narrative, this is probably your best bet.

Past that, you’ve got Retail. If story and narrative is your focus, I think this is actually your best bet. In retail, you can go back and experience every expansion the game has had and play through it in a semi-self contained mode via Time Walking. For example, if you’re Alliance, you go find Chromie in the Stormwind park and talk to her. She’ll allow you to select a time period and then you just go play that. You can level multiple characters and take them through time periods to keep things more cohesive. This also lets you go through all of the expansions that came after Cata, which start to have more and more story.

In particular, Legion, Battle for Azeroth, and Shadowlands were all very heavy narrative driven experiences. I’m not much for story myself but I thought those expansions did a pretty good job of creating a narrative and presenting it. It’s worth noting here as well that your $15 per month subscription fee grants you access to all of this. You get everything I’ve talked about and that Kynsa lists above as well as everything Retail has to offer up to and excluding the most recent expansion. Currently this is Dragonflight but if you wait a week or two that will be The War Within, so you’ll get all the Dragonflight content too.

The last thing I want to throw out here is that if you’re interested in what happened post Warcraft 3 specifically, you’re actually much better off looking up a lore video. I did this once at the start of Warlords of Draenor because I was thoroughly confused as to what’s going on. It was an hour long video and it did a pretty good job of explaining things to a noob like me. I remember very little of it, but it’s there :smiley: There’s also another extremely good video about the Defias Brotherhood floating around which was awesome to watch. I never actually realized that there was a whole deep story behind me running back and forth between Westfall and the nearby towns.

Anyway, I hope that helps. Good luck!

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who do I go visit for Horde? also You’re implying that they’ll let me play WotLK/Cata as well?

It’s apparently near the horde embassy in Orgimmar. I don’t know horde that well so if you google for Chromie in Org you can probably get directions that are likely more meaningful to you haha.

In retail, yep for sure. Cata is the default setting for Azeroth, I don’t think you can play pre-Cata Azeroth unfortunately.

So pre-cata azeroth play some variant of classic? did WotlK change the world much/at all?

Vanilla Era is good (including hardcore).

The rest is a mess.

They’re looking for story, not gameplay and mechanics. Otherwise I’d agree with you :smiley:

Actually, in all fairness, if you want challenging boss mechanics and a treadmill to chase, retail is much better than Classic Era is. But if you want your gameplay to feel like it actually means something (lulz), then Era hands down!

You can play the WotLK content in retail as well, even TBC I think. Again, do this if you just want to do it for the story and don’t care about the gameplay at all. You won’t be playing that version of the game, everything will be retail in terms of game mechanics, it’s just the old content you can play through in a very accessible way.

Like watching the remastered versions of Star Wars episodes IV, V and VI.

The basic story is still there, just with more 'splosions, and CGI muppets singing the Rockabilly Blues to Jabba, like they just downed 12 Red Bull and vodkas.

If you never saw the original versions, you’re good. You won’t know to be deeply offended at the botched plastic surgery versions being served to you.

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I don’t think this is entirely true.

Also I think I might have found a bug in chromie. I played through the new intro scenario. The island. I went to chromie and I selected dark portal or whatever for the burning crusade. I then decided to travel to the undercity to see what brill and everything actually looked like. Turns out I ended up in a post battle for azeroth razed version of the undercity. I don’t think that’s supposed to happen… (And then I got stuck there because I didn’t know how to get back after dying in the toxic or whatever mist And then choosing to respawn on the other side)

Now if I started the undead campaign from their starting location it appears that I end up in cataclysms starting point. Which That narrative still seems to be after wrath of the lich King. I haven’t bothered to see what would happen if I continued down that road and then go to chromie after level 10 and start the burning crusade And then try to go back.

So from what I can tell right now there is no way to really see all of the burning crusade and wrath of the lich King content as it was. I can say for certain That there is content in classic that changes at some point between that and cataclysm. Essentially I’m not sure how much content I can actually access but this is kind of disappointing that they didn’t just leave those servers up if it’s too complicated to put it in retail.

In vanilla you get stuck between a crate and a wall.

In retail you get stuck in the dream of a dragon chilling as a gnome.

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There should be. I’ve done this as Alliance and had no troubles, but it’s been a while. You might actually wanna ask in one of the retail forums for some help, though I’m not entirely sure where.

Maybe here?

I’d help if I could but I haven’t played retail in over a year. I just remember it being a really good feature that I loved to use (for dungeons) when I did.

Oh, unless you mean in the same gameplay, like TBC Classic and WotLK Classic. If that’s what you meant, then no… not without going to a private server, sadly. One of the biggest mistakes Blizzard has every made, imho.