Narrative Elements as Reflections of Blizzard's Culture

Thanks Dad!

Do you think Christie Golden wants to continue writing a storyline that Alex invented in his sick head? Do you think Steve does? Do you think anyone in Creative Development wants to build off of Alex’s foundations?

It’s easier to just say “I don’t want to have to think about this”


Look I get that complaining about Alex is a hip thing to do and that what he did is terrible etc. I am not gonna defend him for the horrible things he did (altought it could be a while ago I mean the instance he is in was from 2013, but it doesnt matter since its disgusting etc)

But he did give us at least Garrosh stonetalon.


I think that that is their decision to make. Not ours.


Do you have an actual point to make or are you just going to respond to every post I have tonight defending Blizzard’s failures?

Or I say let the courts and not the court of opinion decided. Ultimately, we as players have only two options in either case. We stop playing their games or not(or do one of those thing and continue to complain/berate them for their failing but ultimately probably have little effect)

No we do not have two options. These are discussion forums. Choosing to discuss is not an either/or proposition.

And we are doing it but I honestly doubt what we say here will have any impact and I have a feeling in a month or so this will be old news and most people will get tired of discussing it.

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As I have said all night, this is not about us. This is about the Blizzard employees who have to go to work in the morning.

And ultimately they will have to decided on their own what they will or wont do.

My point is that I think that your demands represent an excessive amount of focus on your part on how all of this affects you, rather than how it has affected Afrasiabi’s victims. You want ten years of lore retconned because it makes YOU feel uncomfortable, and the desires and efforts of his victims don’t seem to be a factor in what you’re advocating beyond your assumption that they would support your position.

I get how you feel. This sucks. This has been a really dark day not just for WoW lore but for the video game industry as a whole. But when it comes down to it, Afrasiabi doesn’t matter. We don’t matter. His victims matter. Making this about vengeance towards Afrasiabi on their presumed behalf, or emphasizing how changes should be made to accommodate our feelings on the matter just serves to marginalize the people who have actually been most affected by this, many of whom have likely put their own blood, sweat, and tears into their work of their own volition.

Taking that away from them because of what Afrasiabi did to them is just letting Afrasiabi victimize them one last time by having his actions dictate their future.


Yes they will, and in the meantime I will daggum well discuss it on the forums and you cannot stop me or anyone else from doing it.

It doesn’t surprise me that you would defend or apologize for this.

That’s not what he’s doing.


I follow…a lot of Blizzard devs and former Blizzard devs on Twitter. If even one of them made the point you are making I would stop and reconsider my position. I have not seen anyone make that point. If anything the narrative/story team is unrepresentative. And nothing suggests that Afrasiabi’s victims were in C-Dev.

Who is apologizing? Again if Blizzard did something truly criminal let them pay for it. But at same time I want an actual court to do it and not simply the public.

And its not likely anyone is actually stopping you. But consider me jaded enough not to thing this will amount to much if anything.


Why do you feel the need to make that point? Everyone is looking at you now. “I think this will amount to nothing” You have the attention now. Was there a follow-up to that?

Being cynical for cynicism’s sake is not interesting.

Blizzard’s response denied responsibility for the suicide, but did not deny that her nude pictures were passed around by the staff the week prior, and tried to scold the State for bringing her case into this (when one presumes that for the case to have been mentioned, the family would’ve had to agree prior).


Lots of people probably wouldn’t be comfortable posting about such personal experiences on Twitter, but for your consideration:

Edit: (linked because of swearing)


My follow up is simply I am leery of people’s intention. That at worse this whole things feels like people riding a controvery for their own purposes(namely to dunk on the story and use this as an excuse to try to push their own view of what the story should be) and at best feels like outrage that will probably disipitate in a month or so. Or once a new controvery picks up steam.


In fact, looking at former Blizzard employees, specifically women, talking about their experiences on Twitter, a common theme does seem to be that one of the reasons the experience was so agonizing was because of how much passion they had for their work. It was their dream job and one of the reasons they tolerated the abuse for as long as they did is because of their love of what they created.

This does not seem to suggest that a blanket retcon is being advocated for.