Narrative Elements as Reflections of Blizzard's Culture

There is no good faith reaction to today’s news. That option was off the table in June 2020 when they let Alex quietly resign.


Presuming to speak on their behalf is gross. I think that you need to take a step back and ask yourself if what you are proposing is actually beneficial to any of his victims or if it’s mostly performative.


This has BEEN influencing everything in the game, from story to systems to the massive amount of bugs and the late patch release dates. If you create a toxic work environment, your product WILL suffer, in all areas. Everyone’s been wondering what was up, right? Apparently booze fueled harassment parties in the office are what’s up.

And since the pandemic hit? Since employees have been able to work from home? Golly, where are all the harassed women to do all the work while the boys drink and harass the day away??? Shadowlands had probably been delayed because they aren’t terrifying women into doing everything for them. YEP, that’s one of the charges in the legal documents, I cannot make this crap up.


Oh that’s rich coming from you.

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Realistically much of the smaller scale stuff was done without Alex’s input at all, and was not done to “please” him whatsoever.

Which would be kind of telling because the smaller scale stories aren’t even close to be as awful as the main narrative

The questing in zones seems fine for the most part, it only gets really really awful once you look at the big picture.


You do not get it. Everyone at Blizzard knew Alex. Everyone in power at Blizzard were close personal friends with him.

There is no seperating Alex Afrasiabi from Blizzard.

I mean you guys do realize this could ruin Chris Metzen’s reputation right? And everyone else who has ever worked in C-Dev?

This is a weird assertion and is probably not true, Blizzard had like 5000 people at one point.

You’re getting waaaaay ahead of yourself.


A blanket retcon of everything would invalidate those smaller scale stories too. You can’t even “just” retcon the major events because those are the foundation that the smaller stories are built on.

Again, saying “literally everything from Cata onward is a byproduct of Afrasiabi” is both inaccurate and frankly, it’s also giving him undeserved credit.

In fact, if the allegations of tons of work being dumped onto female employees are any indication, he might not have actually done that much at all. He doesn’t even have his name on it anymore; he’s been stripped from the credits.


You have no idea what you are talking about. Alex Afrasiabi was a well-known Everquest guild leader and is close personal friends with every major figure at Blizzard and every major figure that ever worked at Blizzard. THEY ALL KNEW.


We all have literally the exact same information that you do unless you work at Blizzard, in which case you should be talking to a lawyer, not us.


If today is the first day you’ve heard the name “Alex Afrasiabi” then I am sorry you do not have the same information I do.

Yeah, I’m not a fan of many of the developments but don’t think an erasure of the last x-years of lore is the solution to any of this.

And I suppose that whereas I previously only saw the beating up of the Night Elf player faction as a worf effect, there’s probably more of a case to consider it fridging now.

Will Nathanos circumstances - whatever they are - contribute to an emotionally distraught Sylvanas? Will he be relevant to her story for the remainder of Shadowlands?

I no longer know.


I honestly doubt this particular lawsuit will change the story trajectory. If anything I expect most of Shadowlands story to already be finished.

Also, I find the idea that Blizzard will just retcon the last 2 two expansions be worse and more cowardly then anything.


Respecting women isn’t cowardly.


That is not what I want I was implying and you know it.


Do I? Because you implied that they would be cowardly in reply to this.

I would rather Blizzard retcon the last 10 years then be forced to remember Alex’s BS everytime I think about the story.

This isn’t about you.


I am talking about creatively that the use of “it was all a dream” is one of the worse and blatantly cowardly tropes for STORY PURPOSES.

With regards to the lawsuit personally I say let the chips fall where they must. Let it go to court and let a judge decided just how much culpability Blizzard actually has and be forced to pay/indemnify people who they have wronged.