
Because I too “came from nothing and conquered everything”. In WoW terms, I am something of a Corsican thug lacking good manners myself.

Napoleon. I can’t rate it worse than 10/10. If there was more emphasis on battles, I’d give it a 11/10. The director did a great job by basically having Napoleon wear his military uniform nearly all the time. For less than 3 hours I think it did a good condensing of the whole-person history.

The best $10 I spent in years at the theater.

Napoleon | Official Trailer 2 | Experience It In IMAX® - YouTube


European aristocracy was much agitated with Napoleon declaring himself Emperor.
And then the audacity of winning the battlefield.

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And such were good things, especially for republican states to include the newbie United States.

Such is the end…of monarch-EE!!!

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I’m kinda interested in this one so thanks for the reminder.

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There are critics saying it’s not historically accurate. I think it’s as accurate as action movies permit and thematic to the core of Napoleon’s life. Ridley Scott didn’t get everything correct in Gladiator either.

So I hope you had watched it.

I think this is fine as long as it’s done in the interest of time. Like, in the movie they show Battle 1 then what seems like immediately afterward they do Battle 2, but in reality the two battles were like months or even years apart. Or, they cut out an event but made sure to leave in the important events.

Nobody is going to watch a movie that’s 5 hours long so directors have to cut or condense events and/or time to fit the meat of the story into a 2 or 3 hour movie.

What I don’t like is when they make up events for drama. An example that comes to mind is Freddy Mercury doing Live Aid because he had aids. He did the concert 2 years before he was diagnosed. Or the fact that all the Queen members had solo projects. Queen never broke up.

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That’s what I thought too. And I’m sure Napoleon thought that time flew by so fast going from victory to victory and the odd defeat. Defeating the Prussians or British? Another Tuesday. Another day of a man being himself. That’s what I think the real moral of the movie was.

The thug that became a gunnery officer. The gunnery officer that became a general. The general who became an emperor. The emperor who defied all other empires.

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