<Nap Center> Alliance | NA-PVP | Sun/Tues 8:30 EST - 11:30 EST

Faction: Alliance
Guild Name: Nap Center
Server: Heart Seeker
Loot Method: Council
Raid Times: 8:30 EST to 11:30 EST on Sunday and Tuesday

Nap Center originates from a group of online friends that met through the World of Warcraft Off-Topic forum in 2005 and over the years, we have done many WoW re-rolls on various servers, picking up more friends along the way. In the more recent years our core group has spent time on vanilla private servers, even raiding with some of the top guilds in the scene and picking up a depth of classic theorycrafting and raiding knowledge. Most people in the guild fall in the age range of 25-30 years old and we enjoy the community building aspects of Classic WoW just as much as the raid scene.

Our guild mission is to provide a looser environment than most hardcore guilds; however, we take progression seriously, and we will take whatever steps we need to to continue progressing (cleanly and without exploits).

Member Requirements:
Raiders can for the most part choose their level of dedication as long as they are reliable and willing to learn. However, loot distribution and raider status will largely be determined by three factors: Raid Attendance, Player Performance, and Raid Preparedness. We won’t push you to farm a full set of consumables every week, but when players do take it upon themselves to go the extra mile, we want to reward them for it.

Recruitment Priorities
:scales: Paladin: High
:japanese_goblin: Warlock: High
:fire: Mage: High

All other classes are lower priority, but we are looking to continue expanding our raid roster with higher level players who are in the process of getting MC/ony attuned.

If you’re interested in joining, feel free to contact me or the GM on Discord and we’ll get you set up with an invite to the server!
Gnarlymaple#4120 for myself
qwee#0987 for the GM

Once you join, please read the pin in our #guild-info channel. We look forward to hearing from you!


:sparkling_heart: classic wow :heart_eyes:


We even offer a money-back guarantee!


This is going to be fun.


R O G U E B O Y S represent


Join now and you can get a free customized Nap Center pillow


Tammy sent me here, and I’m not disappointed.


Are you open to a Feral Druid or Retribution Paladin? I have seen some interesting guides.

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Our hybrid off-spec quota is currently full, I’m sorry.


Hi all ;D !

I cant wait to play :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Went in for help with my Sleep Apnea and all they did was give me a pillow. Da Fuq bro.

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stress test hype

Enter Now.

bump this post blizz

note: we have our very own highly intelligent chat bot in discord


if you dont join our guild we will come to your kitchen and make a mess of your pots and pans


Do you think anything will open up? I got some good Herod names.

Please list all your names ITT ( in this thread ) and we will evaluate them internally.

This is a friendly guild and everyone should come join! :smiley: