Naming penalty but why?

I had a mage named Herpeas, got reported probably by people that had herpes and reminded them but still. By the standards of being forced to change my name everyone that has “wart” or “sores” in thier name should be forced to change as well. Otherwise it is just discrimination against my character named from two words “Her” and “peas”. I remaned my mage to Aborted, since wow just gave my toon a name abortion. Im sure that will offend someone as well. Just so you know anyone with name “Amanda” im also offended because of my exs name. “Amanda” falls under the same exact guidelines as “Herpeas” according to naming policy. Since im offended you all should have to change your name. Anyways to the people that reported me, im sorry you are you, i would have a hard time with that myself and lashout about nonsense and be a moron. Thanks, i really liked that name too.

This post offends me, please change it.

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Dear diary,


Next time on the vampire diaries. Vamp herps

They did the same with my Tauren alt: Feceas

Not really, but they would have.

There are far worse than yours so that sucks.