Names with Alt codes


The least you could do is generate a name if your favorite word is taken.




Is it bad that I don’t want to associate with people who do this?


If you use Colemak your right alt becomes alt-gr, and you have all kinds of fun symbols on your keyboard: ¡ºª¢€ħðþ‘’–×¹²³£¥ĦÐÞ“”—÷äåãø˛đłúüö«»á`ß´¨ˇñéíóõæ^çœ˘˚¯¸˙¿

My favorite is people using alt codes on common names so you see all of them at one point. Like Paws. I have that name but I’ve seen roughly 3 versions of it so far because of alt codes.

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Ehhh. IMO it’s not in their favor and I’ll have a hard time reaching out to them, so I often won’t, but otherwise I don’t care much. I personally have done the weird spelling thing a few times: got a couple alts that I had to deviate from the standard spelling for.

Meh people just aren’t original. Look what happened when WotLK was released. Arthas, aarthas, arrthas, artthhass, arthass


Its perfectly normal, friend!

I just wish I could feel what it is like to have such a big brain to chose a name with alt codes

Well, I personally know that I’ll never be sending tells to anyone with names that include diacritical marks (unless I can click their name). Not about to go reference the codes to do that.

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The random name generator chose something that sounded exactly like the female genitalia, so I just alt-coded ‘Ned’ instead. Had the RNG chosen something that wouldn’t get me reported, I wouldn’t be using alt-codes.


Special characters in names are lame.


The types of people who who no imagination and are betas to their very core



Your guild name has 3 in it… also you can hit the random button again and again. If you you hit it once and immediately gave up you were already looking for an excuse


I don’t mind them if they make sense in the name, some names are meant to have an accented letter.

But if you are just using alt codes cause the name you want is taken, you need to work on your creativity.


Imagine giving a hairy rat’s @$$ about something like this.


I hit it multiple times, and it repeatedly gave me suggestive names that snowflakes would report. So I just said eff it, Ned it is.

Imagine having no imagination and making your name look like dog turd just to get the word you want

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I also think its funny that they’re incredibly isolated because nobody knows how to type their name out. They literally have to whisper to everyone in order to get invites or end up being on guild/friend lists to be messaged in 99% of cases because nobody has those things memorized.


I don’t have an issue with the alt codes. My beef is with all the Tauren with stupid pun names. We get it, you’re a cow.

Not lost on me. Just so you know.