Names for Male Mag'har Orc?

As soon as I get my Mag’har unlocked I plan on rolling a MU Mag’har Orc who travelled to Azeroth, and is an aspiring Blademaster. Anyways, I need a name for him. Suggestions?


I typically use the fantasy name generator. Just Google WoW Orc name generator and it should pop up.

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I usually hate the names they come up with, unfortunately.

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hug thunderlove

it hurts so good


Hank Humungousmeat.
Steve Smashskull.

Good orc names are hard; heck Gharial is just Ghar as her in-character name.
My own idea of orcish names is that they’re either rough to say, if not outright harsh. Examples: Ghar, Strakya, Tilak, Birakka.
Some of them are just derived from animal names, names from words in other languages but tweaked, or yoinked from other sources of media.
Or just Illbleed.

But that’s just my own way of naming my own orcs.

Edit to add: It also helps, if you intend to have an orc with a surname, to see how first names sound with it.

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I really like the orc names from shadow of war / Mordor, so could use some of them for inspiration

My method of naming characters is to first look at names that already exist on characters as well as NPCs to see the range of what they look like, sound like and what sort of names orcs seem to have.

You can look up the npcs in different cities and zones, or you can go do some exploring. I recommend looking around Orgrimmar, Durotar, Outland zones (Shattrath, Nagrand, Terrokar) WoD zones (Frostfire, Garrison, Ashran, Nagrand ect). Generally any area you know has orc npcs as a part of the questing experience or zone.

Remember, every that is green (if they are from the era of crossing over) were once mag’har at some point!

Generally orcish names follow a typical naming structure that is often harsher or rougher sounding. Often times an apostrophe added depnding on how you want that name said. Like if Gotosh was Go’tosh instead, there would be more emphasis on the Go in saying his name.

The next thing I would do, is start brain storming a bunch of names after getting inspiration. Take noises you feel sound orcish, get inspired by names you see and mash things together. Figure out what sounds right.

Then, pick out the few that you like and use them in a sentence. What sounds the most right to you?
If you can say ‘Hey! How are you doing,-Name-?’ or ‘-Name-! Get over here!’ and it sounds right to you, you may have found yourself a name! If it feels right, natural while speaking then the next step I’d do is I look up the name.

I make sure that the name has no hidden meaning in a different language, tied to something offensive or associated with something that is unsavory. If all checks out, I have my name!!

Another thing with orc names is the lore aspect. Not ever orc has to have a last name right away. Giving your orc a last name also means thinking of why they have that. Orcish last names are like titles, they’re earned. Its a feat of strength this character has achieved and becomes recognized for this by assuming a title that has become associated with whatever they did to earn it. Notable.

Hellscream came from Grommash’s ability to do a battle cry so horrifying, it was bone chilling and terrifying enough that this is what showed him that he is a warrior not to be messed with. A roar that made his presence known. That represented himself and his clan as a force not to be taken likely. He was Hellscream

Garrosh, on the other hand, only lived in the shadow of that name. He is an example of, if your bloodline and reputation is notable enough sometimes you don’t even need to earn your name because the title can pass to you. Being the son of a former chieftain who earned his last name is enough sometimes.

But you don’t have to be an all powerful lore character to have a name passed down, it can still be a notable name among the group your orc came from among their family or perhaps new clan that was made modernly. Or it can simply be out of respect and adirmation for the parent that they want to carry it. It can be completely unique to the character.

But most orcs tend to not have last names. Because they either haven’t earned a name or likely haven’t accepted any official title. Gotosh has had some people attempt to give him a last name, but he didn’t like them. He didn’t feel it connected. Sometimes, a title can simply be where you are from. Aka Gotosh, of the Frostwolf Clan is how he usually introduces himself.

Then there are orcs who dont NEED a title to be seen as notable. Orcs who never gained a last name, but are still remembered, becomes their legacy. Orgrim Doomhammer’s name was passed down.
But Durotan was just Durotan. And he doesn’t need a last name. That name itself is his feat of strength. He was a beloved Chieftain, and someone look to as a hero.

All in all, if you want to build him up start him titleless and see if through RP you can develop his identity or have a goal through story to earn the name you want him to have. But those are just suggestions!

So, I hope you find a name that you like!


tbh I found the random name generator to be pretty good way to get names. Sometimes you have to tweak them because it’ll just have an excessive amount of some vowels or something.

Otherwise Gotosh makes a good point to look at how NPCs are named. I made a Draenei mage recently but was stumped on the name and wasn’t too fond of anything I was getting out of the random name generator so I went around and found a few misc NPCs with names I liked and smashed them together into a new name.


You’re welcome.

Never be ashamed of who you are. You’re warriors, be proud.

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Mine was named Suhtrokk which you’re welcome to. I use ----rokk for all my Maghar but I don’t play anymore or have any of them saved.

Steve Bonemaul.

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i chose this name randomly but i think its actually the name of the guy in iron docks

I think its cool and i recommend accidentally stealing npc names

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Zekag should be available to use.

so my thing is that im awful and am a living fantasy name generator

i check around to see what names are like, what the language of said group is like, and then make horrible noises for a few minutes until i go “Oh, that abhorrent noise sounds almost right”. then i futz around with letters, syllables, etc

if the name sounds like it wants to chew on your bones, its probably orcy enough.

also works if the name sounds like it’s grunts. if you can more or less growl the name out, its a good orc name.

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I was about to say just this! I used Shadow of War/Mordor for inspiration fortwo of my Orc’s names too. Khrosh Fearsome is Arkhrosh Fearsome in WoW. Azgrom the Chunky is …Azgrom the Chunky, in WoW!

It makes me so happy :smiley:

Topher Killhouse.

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Fun bit of trivia; all the blademasters in WC3 were named after Kurosawa’s Seven Samurai.


Said this in another thread but…name them Maggie…

Barry “Buzz” Bloodoath.

Thanks for all the replies guys! Definitely sources of inspiration.