Nameplates... Stacking/Overlapping

Hi guys… Tried for a bit to see if I could find the solution but no luck.

I’ve renamed my wtf, interface and cache folders logged back in so no add ons are loaded and the option to overlap or stack nameplates still doesn’t work. Any tips on where to go from there?

Thanks in advance

0 = overlapping
1 = stacking

/run C_CVar.SetCVar("nameplateMotion", 1)

Thanks for your help. I’ve tried that, I’ve tried editing the config-cache it just always stays the same :confused:

The only likely thing that could be causing that is an addon but you said you ruled that out.

Also, when you say it stays the same, how are you confirming that?

Basically I’m exiting the game adjusting the values then running the game again and entering combat pulling multiple enemies.

Its like that whole function in the game cant be edited. I even tried the “spread” option, so frustrating/

Do /dump C_CVar.GrtCVar("nameplateMotion") before and after you restart the game and see if the value is the same. There’s many instances in which stacking nameplates can overlap so a visual test isn’t reliable.

Also, if you’re not exiting the game properly: logging out or exiting via the game menus, many settings will no be saved.

Finally, there have been instances where certain Anti-virus programs prevent settings from saving properly.

Thanks again for taking the time to help.

I entered that dump but I can’t visually see any difference.
I did check to see if “nameplateMotion” changed in the config-cache file which it did when changing it in game.

Maybe its my expectation of the function isn’t quite right… I expected a vertical list of plates when fighting a grp of mobs, maybe that’s not the case.

Some screenshots to illustrate the differences:

You’re not able to make a vertical list of them. Blizzard went out of their way to cripple an addon that did that back in 7.1

Thanks for clarifying the actual name plate behaviour and posting those screen shots. Not sure why Blizzard would be so against the idea but I guess that another discussion.

I tend to move my camera a fair bit and maybe that’s why I see a lot of overlapping. I guess the real issue is that I’m struggling in picking up interrupts because the bar is hidden behind others, I’m working around it by using an add on “Threat Plates” and adjusting the transparency and scaling of plates when in combat.

Thanks again for the time you put into replying.

It was being exploited to trivialize certain raid encounters and rather than punish those doing it, they disabled the ability to make any sense at all of nameplates.

Play around with the two nameplateOverlap H/V CVars. Might help.