Nameplates distance

using Tidy plates for retail and was wondering if I can limit the distance that I see nameplates. For example if I started seeing nameplates at 20 yards and anything byond that the plates would disappear unless I got 20 yards within them.

And since I’m here when gathering the Dreamsurge Coalescence it shows that box right over my character and if I gather like 2 or 3 at a time it’s just a wall of “item received” boxes right down the middle of my screen…is there away to remove or just move that?

It’s been a while since I’ve checked, but Blizz disabled the CVar for adjusting nameplate distance it in Retail and Classic because of some shenanigans people were doing in Classic… and then they re-enabled it in a later Classic patch but left it disabled in Retail.

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You can no longer modify the cvar unfortunately :c