Nameplate range capped at 60 yards

Every since 10.2.6 launched nameplate range is stuck at 60 yards. Tried multiple different ways to change it and it always reverts back to 60 yards. The theory I have seen is Plunderstorm is causing this but it would be nice to get this fixed. As an avid BGer 60 yards is annoying to have to deal with.


Plunderstorm mucks with other Retail settings too.  I always had to change the name plate size to Large after each Plunderstorm match, but this had the side effect of sometimes changing the Status Text setting on Retail to None (I use Numeric) and so I would have to fix it.  Some settings are actually shared, like changing the text size of names displayed.  It greatly lessened the strain on my eyes with Plunderstorm, but I didn’t want it behaving that way on Retail.

Needless to say, I was quite relieved for many reasons after reaching Renown 40 and could dump that “battle royale”.

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yeah i’ve dumped plunderstorm but my name range is still capped.
makes pvp utterly miserable.
anyone figured out a work around?


bliz hasn’t acknowledged the problem yet, but there are many posts about it. I would expect either 60 yards to be the new norm or a hotfix in the next major patch. there is no workaround.


Change it on a regular server character, then do the PS. This same issue pops up with battlegrounds/arenas when playing regular WoW as well. If you change stuff during the match, it gets reverted when you leave the BG and go back to the regular world. Try it and you’ll see what I mean. Like put something new on an action bar during a BG and you’ll see that it’s not there when you leave.

I was told that this is because Plunderstorm marks the WTF folder as read-only. Changes you make just don’t stick.

Once I was done with Plunderstorm (thank Elune) I specifically went in and removed the read-only settings from both WTF folders I found (one inside the Retail folder and one outside). I then fixed all my WoW settings and have had no issues.

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Someone else on my server had this issue as well but their range was actually lower. I told them to try a command and it seems to have worked for them and even remained after they relogged. So if anyone else is having THIS lower range issue…

Try typing:
/run SetCVar(“nameplateMaxDistance”, #)
With # being your desired value. (60 is the default range.)

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Disabling all addons and typing this in helped reset my range.

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Can you elaborate on this?

Also were you able to get nameplates back to a massive distance or is it still capped at 60?

It’s hardcapped to 60. That change was made quite a while back.

It was? I only had this issue once 10.2.6 and Plunderstorm hit. I was able to target players across a BG pretty much and see their nameplate.


Yes, it either happened during SL or during the prepatch for DF, can’t remember which off the top of my head.

The hard-cap at 60 only applies to “am I within this range” visibility for all units, regardless of what you have targeted.

The bug being reported here is that your current target’s nameplate is no longer visible at any range after 10.2.6’s launch. Now, you must also be within the 60-yard range to see it. This destroys tracking flag carriers in BGs, tracking far-off world rares that happen to be targetable that you can’t quite see, and a few other things.

The bug is obviously a side effect of their disabling the any-range visibility of your target in Plunderstorm. They tried their best to make many interface settings different between PS and retail, but unfortunately this logic carried over to retail in a bad way.


That’s the point and what you’re describing has been a thing for a while as well. Out in the world, mobs have a max range of relevance to the player; to prevent overloading the servers. I think it’s around 100-150 yards. So you get roughly 150 yards from where the mob is on the server and they appear for you, from there, you can select them and see their name only. Once you’re within 60 yards, the name+health bar will appear(if it’s set to the cap). After you run outside of the 60 yard range, the healthbar will drop, but the name will remain and will not be visible through walls or objects. If you’re within health bar range, the name and bar will show through objects in most cases.

Some exceptions exist like for specific rares and world bosses where they are always relevant and “active” to all players(they can be seen from anywhere in the zone). Due to the nature of PvP zones, people are pretty much always loaded in and can be targeted from one base to the other. People obviously exploited that for a long time, but quite a while ago, they changed how nameplate visibility worked in the world and BGs.

Here’s a clip with no addons and max nameplate distance. It is working as intended and has been this way for quite some time now. As far as I can remember, BGs/arenas have had the same parity since they changed it:

Plater in particular (but presumably other nameplate addons) allowed the full nameplate including health bar to be visible at any range as long as you had the NPC/player targeted. To say nothing was changed in 10.2.6 is simply not true, as addons are now unable to affect that visibility at all past the 60-yard limit. I also highly doubt all the BG players who immediately came and posted bug reports on this after patch day had a mass hallucination on the subject.

Hell, my own experience tells me that I was able to see the flag carrier’s nameplate at any distance once targeted because that’s how I would find them most of the time if I hadn’t yet seen the flag.


Ahh, I see what you’re talking about now. So they were circumventing the changes that were made to the stock UI during SL or when DF came out(don’t remember exactly when the change happened) and now they finally corrected the addon API to prevent players from having an unintended advantage over people that play without nameplate addons? Sounds like it’s working as intended and likely an intentional change.

I wouldn’t call it circumventing, as Blizzard had built in functionality that encouraged the behavior (via the flag carrier nameplates below the minimap in the default UI).

All this being said, the issue appears fixed on the 10.2.7 PTR as of my testing just now so clearly they considered it a bug. Even works with the default nameplates, which would be an expansion of functionality by your description.


Could be a branch from earlier that they will merge later. They don’t always have parity.

But it hasn’t. Before 10.2.6 I could target and see nameplates of players from across the map in BGs. So something changed.

For regular stock nameplates, afaik, it has been for a while. After some clarification in this thread, it appears the people complaining about the changes are people that were relying on addons to circumvent the normal nameplate visibility/distance rules; giving them an unfair advantage over players that only use the stock frames.

When you say this, what exactly do you mean, the full healthbar+name text? They were and are meant to be capped to 60 yards. Outside of 60 yards, all that should be visible should be the name text and it shouldn’t be visible through objects. The target frame will still function though if you have them selected.