Nameplate max distance

Can/will this be increased from OG classic values when TBC goes fully live?

During classic I was unable to maintain interest as my hunter’s abilities outranged the visibility of enemy nameplates hard capped by the game. There was a workaround using cvars, but Blizzard quickly disabled it.

Now that we have a client in TBC classic that supports 40 debuffs and other enhancements, can we PLEASE get an increase on nameplate distance AT LEAST to the maximum castable ranged spell distance?

This is why I cancelled my sub after a month last time. It was simply unplayable to not have nameplates within attack range.



Wirtt was correct, the problem was the quotes when copy/pasting the command.

/script SetCVar("nameplateMaxDistance", 41)

The above works for copy/pasting without the unsupported unicode italic quotes…

The Advanced Interface Options addon didn’t actually have anything to do with it, although it does have an option to set this through a GUI in the cvars browser section.

Thanks (all) for the heads-up, and here’s hoping they don’t change it again.

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it already is in the game to 41 yards.

/script SetCVar(“nameplateMaxDistance”, 41)


Just confirming that works. Only have to do it once and it stays. Can even make a macro containing that and use it on each character, or add different values if you like to change it on the fly for different characters or whatever. Realoading UI was not needed for it to take effect:

/script SetCVar(“nameplateMaxDistance”, 41)
/script SetCVar(“nameplateMaxDistance”, 30)

How this is deemed a “reasonable” fix is beyond me.

Put it in the settings menu or something lmfao

As said above the distance has already been increased.

The next step would be to allow friendly nameplate add-ons to work in dungeons/raids.

Why Blizzard doesn’t allow friendly (just friendly) nameplate add-ons to work in dungeons/raids is completely asinine.

There’s alot of scenarios where the in-game API becomes inactive for instance use.

This is how they combat alot of bots farming dungeons etc. Not that it really fixes it as they just end up injecting anyway


What possible exploit can you use to support bots/multiboxers by allowing FRIENDLY nameplate add-ons?

The only way this could be exploited is if it’s compromised because of poor design or security on Blizzard’s part. In which case they obviously need to fix it and not punish players.

Sounds like just an excuse to not spend money fixing things.

So you’re telling me you see no issue in a bot accessing nameplate information in an instance?

Things that can lead to like, friendly player co-ords, distance, heading degree.

I agree with you thats it a fix that mostly hampers REAL players. but its there for a reason & has been for years

Its already increased. Max I have been able to set it to is 41 yards. Just get the advanced interface options addon to set it in the cvar browser or run the set cvar command in chat to change it.

This does not actually appear to work.

You can see the healing spells I highlight both have a 40 yard range. So, when they come in range of a target, that target should be showing a nameplate, as using /script SetCVar(“nameplateMaxDistance”, 41) would set the max distance to 41 or 1 yard beyond the reach of the spell. I tried it with 41 and 40 both just to be sure it wasn’t capped at 40 (so 41 was just being ignored) and the results were the same.

As you can see even after using this, the nameplate doesn’t appear until about half again the range of a 40 yard spell. This tells me that command is a placebo.

This does not actually appear to work.

It works fine for me.

I stand corrected.

Using /script SetCVar(“nameplateMaxDistance”, 41) doesn’t seem to work if you have the AdvancedInterfaceOptions addon installed. However, if you use the cvars browser in that addon to manually set this variable, it does indeed go as high as 41. :slight_smile:

Thanks for the heads-up, and here’s hoping they don’t change it again.

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The forums are screwing with the script

/script SetCVar("nameplateMaxDistance", 41)

That’s how you need to do it on the forums so it doesn’t use unicode quotes which the game doesn’t recognize as a valid input.

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Brilliant, thanks!

Seriously? The range at which you can see the health bars had a bearing on your gameplay? Some people just shouldn’t be gamers.

…play a range class…especially a warlock…you will see the issue of it being capped at 20 yards real quick

Works for me too, can even change it to 20, 30, whatever on the fly. Notes: on your video. It’s a friendly target? Maybe only works on yellow/red? You have an addon changing nameplates…maybe that interferes or has it’s own settings over-riding??

Here, I am toggling between 30 and 40 on the fly with macros containing the script command.

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