Name taken... enough already

Yup. This works very well.
One of my go-tos is hitting the randomizer and taking pieces of the names as starting points.

Or themes from other games, movies, shows. It doesn’t always have to be Juggernaut or Arthas.
This hunter for example. It’s a quote from the riddler, in batman. “Riddle me this.”
Just gotta be a little creative :wink:

So in an update that has not even been mentioned yet? Yes i hope so too.

No way, btags are the future.

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:open_mouth: you can see the future QUICK tell me what snack i am going to have next.

It isn’t important enough to be concerned with.

Psh what a cop out.

Hopefully, you eat something good for you.

Yup icecream or potato chips :smiley: i’m all out of cheese and crackers.

Would have helped immensely to be allowed to use < spaces >, < ’ > and < - > in names.

In addition to the ingame randomizer, which can create some humorous results on its own, I’ve found a few online generators that work well.

This makes zero sense.

The great thing about btags are nobody can add you then follow you around unless you give them permission.

However, there’s nothing stopping me from doing /friend Quivermethis then knowing exactly when you log on/off and knowing exactly what zone you’re in when you’re on that character. Btag gives you the option to appear offline to anyone that’s on your btag list.

Personally, I think Blizzard should just do away with the old-style friends list and just have the bnet list.

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Very nice! I have yet to find one that yielding anything usable :joy:

The way they described btags would be that they would be publicly displayed.
So it would be WAY more than friending a specific character.

No thanks lol.

They can’t add you without your permission. They essentially have to ask if they can add you, at which point you have the opportunity to decline or decline and block all future requests from the user. has been my go to for a few years. There are a lot of options. Recently I found it looks new so I’m not sure how reliable it will be, but I’ve managed a few good names.

They don’t have to be displayed publicly for it to work, but it would be a good idea too.

ROFL no it’s not. Nobody can be your bnet friend without you clicking accept.

Again, I can add all your characters I can find on websites that track that kind of stuff and add them to my friend’s list without your consent.

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Don’t think it is possible if they have an active account and not played in two expansions. Now if they were inactive due to other happening it can be possible.

i just want blizz to change the naming rule to have more than 12 characters and let us include space in the name.

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You are completely misunderstanding the hypothetical argument that you have for some reason injected yourself into xD

Welp, thems the breaks when you talk on a public or somewhat public forum. Anyone can reply to you.

Your original statement was you didn’t want your bnet seen because you didn’t want anyone adding you and following you around. That makes zero sense because nobody can add you unless you let them.

So nothing I said was wrong.