Name taken... enough already


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Good fix, good fix.

I was replying to a comment, not op. So you are, in fact wrong as it was a hypothetical. Not how current btag works.

You said btags were a mistake for the following reasons. That’s not a hypothetical situation.


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Better solution. Let players pick a surname.

You want to be Tom? Okay, you can be Tom Black, Tom Brookland, Tom Greenfield, Tome Stonehearth, etc…

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In reply to a hypothetical. Are you intentionally being obtuse?
How many times do I need to say it was a hypothetical response to a hypothetical comment?

You are acting like it was in reply to how CURRENT btags work. Which is why I asked why you interjected yourself when you have no idea what is going on xD

So yes, again. You are wrong. You commented on something you had no idea the context. And for whatever reason, you are doubling down on me being wrong.

Tbh I hate when games force the surname thing. I’d rather just be allowed to have a space, hyphen, or something. That would allow more freedom and naming options.

I wanna say “Just give us last names” cause that solves the problem, but I don’t know anything about the actual hell of coding that would be to change after nearly 20 years of this games existence.