Name Suggestions for Wow Character

Was thinking of making a new character. Need some help in naming it. Haven’t decided what Wow race or class or gender yet. So I’d like to hear some suggestions as to some good combinations of name/race/gender/class. Thanks.

male vulpera shammy named bucktick


when i struggle i go on over to:

sometimes you get some bangers


You beat me to the punch. I use that for all characters, not just WoW ones. So helpful. Nothing wrong with using one of the generated names or changing up the spelling of a name from there to come up with a good name!

I think that might be taken, son. Just a feeling I’ve got.

A name that is always going to catch some eyes and get some compliments is something that seems rare, that maybe no one thought to try to get. If you’re into the fantasy type names like Romdor or Cataliss or something, that’s cool, but try and get stuff like Shoe or Notebook or Arrogance or Happiness or Computer or whatever. You get my drift?

Once you start getting some compliments on the name, you’ll feel warm and fuzzy for picking it, even if it ends up being something stupid. I had a Balance Druid named Chicken once. Just…Chicken. No alt codes or anything. I felt lucky to have gotten it and one of my guildies was like, “How did you even GET that name?” :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Sometimes I pull up google translate, put in my toon’s class and see what it looks like in other languages. If I find one I like, then I’m gtg.

Depends, are you looking for something funny or whimsical? Would you rather it be more fantasy trope?

What are your thoughts on naming a Female Dwarf Paladin like this :dracthyr_nervous_animated::


Chargenstomp - any warrior

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Need more Buckticks for BUCKTICK ARMY!

Yes, yes, yes, and YES!
I wonder what’s the inspiration, hehe :thinking: :thinking:

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Fox anything and your good! If only a fox Paladin can exist XD

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Oh, that reminds me, I leveled with a friend once and had a Prot War named Meatshield. I miss that spicy little chikim tenda. :sob:

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Really any name would be considered.

I can’t start brainstorming until I can confirm your current hunter pet’s name is Beo.

Worgen warlock